Star Trek Discovery starts September 25

Tony V.

Senior Member
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Apr 14, 2017
Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Well it looks like Star Trek Discovery will hit TV screens this September.
Looking at the trailer I do wonder if they are pushing the limits of keeping this series continuity accurate. Given it takes place 10 years before the original Star Trek it lookes far too polished for my liking.


Yeah, I agree, 10 years before the original star trek? Looks like 10 years after the original start trek instead.. :)

I am still wondering if CBS All access will even get enough viewers..

Anybody here paying for this service?
Us Canadians can't even get CBS all access so we have to see it on Canada's Space channel.
Yeah, for internet only streaming access, it will cost more and I am not sure how much it will be with Canada's Space Channel..
I don't think many even in the U.S. will get this "on demand" service anyways. :)
Just to update.

Not sure why they are waiting till 2018 for international markets..

from engadget

"More people all over the globe will be able to watch Star Trek: Discovery and CBS' other original online and TV shows without resorting to piracy. The network is launching CBS All Access in other countries around the world, starting with Canada in the first half of 2018. More countries in other continents will follow, though the company didn't reveal an exact timeline for its expansion plans."
Season 4 of this series has to be one of the top 5 worst seasons I’ve ever seen of anything. You’ve got a captain that needs to be reaffirmed every, single, episode. You’ve got constant emotional touchy freely crap every, single, episode. Bleh! It was 13 episodes of non-stop fluff that should have been about 4 episodes. Fire the writers!

I’ll give it an episode or two next season but if it even tries to follow the path of this garbage, I’m tapping out.