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Mar 3, 2019
At Deer Creek Audio, we have published a new white paper covering Stereo 2.1 & 2.2 Subwoofer Optimization for miniDSP, REW and Dirac Live.

This white paper describes integrating and tuning a subwoofer into your 2.1 or 2.2 system using the miniDSP 2x4 HD, DDRC-24, SHD, SHD Studio, SHD Power or Flex (referred to as miniDSP). Properly integrating a subwoofer(s) into your stereo system is one of the most powerful ways to increase clarity, imaging, dynamics and all the attributes audiophiles associate with a high fidelity full-range system.

Follow the links below to check it out:

Deer Creek Audio Blog
Deer Creek Audio Resources - pdf version
Solid effort, well detailed, presented & diagrammed.
Thanks for the share.

Delay Settings

It is important that the time of arrival of the audio signals from the full-range speakers and subwoofer(s) are coincident. Using the REW delay measurement capability, you can determine which speaker is acoustically the closest to the central listening area. This may take a bit of trial and error, as you need to measure a positive delay from the remaining speakers. It’s typical to see a few milliseconds of delay on the subwoofer(s), due to DSP processing and since they are often placed back against the wall.

In the example below we have routed the subwoofer output to the left channel with the main full-range speaker as the reference output on the right channel.

Diagram 11. Subwoofer delay relative to right full-range speaker

If your measurement settings are correct, you'll first hear a sharp chirp from the full-range speaker and then a short sweep of low frequencies from the subwoofer. REW automatically calculates the delay. In the example below the delay is 1.9 milliseconds, or a little more than two feet.


Diagram 12. REW measurement showing subwoofer delay from reference full-range speaker

After you've measured all the delays and are confident that you've got valid numbers, you can enter the correcting delays in the plug-in output section. You then should verify that you have minimized the delays by making the same measurements again.

Please the entire Tech Blog here Simplifying the Science of Subwoofer Integration

Deer Creek Audio is an authorized miniDSP dealer
I'm a novice in the use of REW and have a question regarding the setting of subwoofer delay. How exactly is the subwoofer output in the above example routed to the left channel? I'm probably missing something obvious, but it's not immediately clear to me how this is accomplished. I'd appreciate any advice elaborating on this process.
This process is performed using the output page on the miniDSP plug-in. With the plug-in you can selectively mute, unmute, invert, etc. each of the connected speakers and subwoofer(s). This process will confirm the proper operation of your system elements.


Diagram 4. miniDSP output page used for system measurements and verification.

Read more in our new tech blog: