

Thread Starter
Jun 7, 2020
Hi to All
I'm wondering why do I get -+ 10 db volume decrees with two identical setup & filter procedures using this two target curves
Any info appreciated








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I agree it’s strange.
If you click on smoothed target curve, it’ll reflect the difference between the target curves a bit more accurately.
If you could take a picture of the correction graph that will tell us why one curve is much lower than the other.
Hi Omid
I'm not sure if these are the correct shots you asking for but here they are anyway
Btw thanks for the help.
PS :I'm still having some issues with overall volume and that is why I'm trying to figure things up - in this particular speaker setup I should not lack volume as the drivers selected here are well efficient compare to my other (apogee) set which you might remember from last year. I do also know that my mid/bass drivers (any) I use do not perform very well >in my room and my sitting position but that is very little I can do. In regards of choosing different drivers and efficiency It really did not make much difference in overall volume.


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I circled the area that results in a major correction hump. If you change your target a bit to the right in the low frequencies I think you won’t see as big of a correction.
Hi Omid
I just moved the target roll off point from 40Hz to 50Hz and that result in15db!!!?? increase simulation graph (much more overall volume)
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Good job, Jiiri_chi!

Be careful with the "normalize filter" feature in jriver. It can lead to digital clipping. If you're running out of gain, you could use one of the EQs in Jriver and boost the sigal with 4-6 dB. This will sometimes lead to clipping too, but only on hot recordings. If you listen to jazz and classical music etc, you could probably go higher without getting digital clipping...

And if you want to monitor it I can recommend the Al convolver, where you can set the volume control to go to e.g + 10 dB and monitor for digital clipping.
You could probably get an extra 5 dB more if your target had a steeper roll off (if you look at the correction curve, you still have a 5 dB hump at 40 Hz, whereas your woofer isn't putting much out at 40Hz, so it's a needless boost).
Hi Bernt
I will try the EQ and yes I can not use volume normalize option it will clip...
Hi Omid
Thanks for the info ill try it latter on
BTW. I went back to my original - I call it (benchmark) target (below) with the notch in place .I think under that target the system does sounds the best although it set me back to -25db (sim)
I will try to make the target WITH notch to be more efficient sort to speak but I doubt it anyway see how it goes
NOTE : Despite the volume the system sound pretty good
