Testing Audiolense convolver 1.4


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Feb 5, 2018
20.3 Made some changes due to feedback from hulks. The same download link applies.

I have made changes that relates to several of the issues reported recently. Consider this a beta until we see how it works for some of you guys. And please report the findings here.

Audiolense convolver 1.4.exe
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Bernt, I have yet to use the convolver and I’m not sure I understand the use cases. Would it make possible applying my AL filters to non-Roon and non-JRMC sources, such as Netflix, Hulu or other streaming sources with audio? JCR
You can do the same with what you’ve got, hr. In many cases it’s a matter of preferences snd perhaps convenience.
H Bernt,

I gave 1.4 a try.

The main issue is that I can not change convolver files unless JRiver is set to output stereo. If playing 7.1 (which is what I always use) the convolver file will not change when selected. The convolver will change files when Jriver is set to stereo even though the convolver is faulted (the filter files are 8 channels in and 14 out).

I do change convolver files often as the frequency balance of different concert recordings varies a lot.

Also, If I open the stand alone convolver with my 4K display scaled at 200%, the GUI is off the screen. I can re-scale to 100%, open the GUI, move it to the middle of the screen, and then re-scale the display so it is big enough to see. I can't change convolver files in the stand alone either.
Have you configured for 7.1 playback in Audiolense? 2.0 and 5.1 are configured by default (for all the preconfigured speaker configurations), but you have to define 7.1 yourself.

Screen configuration is very difficult to get right so I could use some more input on that. Could you post a screen shot? and tell me which DPI (scaling) setting you are using?
I have a 3840 x 2160 display scaled at 200%. Today the standalone is starting with the GUI where I can see about half of it at the bottom. I can drag it from there.

Yes, I have setup 7.1 in Audiolense. The convolver will load filters with JRiver set to 2.0 channel output. Then I switch JRiver to 7.1 channel output for playback, the convolver clears the input channel count fault and begins processing.
It can make it work here, although the convolver doesn't communicate as I want it to.

What do you mean by this: the convolver clears the input channel count fault and begins processing.

If it reverts to stereo, it is jriver who does the change.

Jriver does not know if a valid correction is being used or not. But if the correction isn't valid you will only get silence.

Verify that the "roon fix" is either disabled or set to minimum 8 channels.
What do you mean by this: the convolver clears the input channel count fault and begins processing.
This is how the GUI looks with JRiver playing 2 channel output. In this "faulted" condition I can change filter files.


Now I stop playback, switch to 8 channels (7.1), resume playback and the red "faults" are cleared and the convolver is working. If I want to change filters I have to stop playback, switch to 2 channels (stereo), resume playback and the red "faults" are back and the convolver will permit a filter change.

The GUI doesn't look quite like the 1st picture from jriver, right? Since it's the stand-alone. But what I observed was that I could not change the filter to the correct one while jriver was playing. There was an error when switching from a correction that did not support the incoming format to one that did.

I will just to a tiny bit of testing here, and update the beta.

The off-the screen could be a carry-over from an old config file. Does that seem right?

If the convolver ends up completely off the screen it should be relocated to it's default position. Hmm... I guess I should change that to"somewhat off the screen.
The GUI doesn't look quite like the 1st picture from jriver, right? Since it's the stand-alone. But what I observed was that I could not change the filter to the correct one while jriver was playing. There was an error when switching from a correction that did not support the incoming format to one that did.
Yes, I think I grabbed the wrong GUI view. Here is one I just made started from JRiver playback.

hulkss, I have addressed the issues you reported. New beta, same link above.
Hi Bernt,

A quick trial looks good. I'll make some new correction files and test some more this evening.