Hi Im trying to learn about phase alignment 2 speakers in a specific frequency.
i have made a simple "dummy project" with 2 speakers.
1 TOP and 1 bas:e
(actually, it is 2 spakers that are somewhat "similar" (so not a "clean sub"..)
(the file is the REW measurment project file)
Im trying to match the 2 at 285Hz
i look at the phase graph of the 2 in the "phase alignment tool" in REW,
but i really dont know the correct process here..
i get a ok result (i think) if i slide the mains/top to 4.5ms and reverse polarity on the "bass", (or have i made a mess (a wrap aroundor so?)..?)
i get this result:
but if i press "Align phase slopes ar cursor", i get: not a summation as i expected.. (see below)
and is there any process to "clean the phase" if i then measure in a reverberant room?
please help what to look at and that your steps usually are in this cases..

have a greate day!
hi from Sweden
Without the linebreaks:
i have made a simple "dummy project" with 2 speakers.
1 TOP and 1 bas:e
(actually, it is 2 spakers that are somewhat "similar" (so not a "clean sub"..)
(the file is the REW measurment project file)
Im trying to match the 2 at 285Hz
i look at the phase graph of the 2 in the "phase alignment tool" in REW,
but i really dont know the correct process here..
i get a ok result (i think) if i slide the mains/top to 4.5ms and reverse polarity on the "bass", (or have i made a mess (a wrap aroundor so?)..?)
i get this result:
but if i press "Align phase slopes ar cursor", i get: not a summation as i expected.. (see below)
and is there any process to "clean the phase" if i then measure in a reverberant room?
please help what to look at and that your steps usually are in this cases..

have a greate day!
hi from Sweden
Without the linebreaks:
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