Time align and read out a mistake ocg success, in REW (AND clean up phasegraph)


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Jan 13, 2023
Hi Im trying to learn about phase alignment 2 speakers in a specific frequency.
i have made a simple "dummy project" with 2 speakers.
1 TOP and 1 bas:e
(actually, it is 2 spakers that are somewhat "similar" (so not a "clean sub"..)
(the file is the REW measurment project file)


Im trying to match the 2 at 285Hz
i look at the phase graph of the 2 in the "phase alignment tool" in REW,
but i really dont know the correct process here..
i get a ok result (i think) if i slide the mains/top to 4.5ms and reverse polarity on the "bass", (or have i made a mess (a wrap aroundor so?)..?)
i get this result:


but if i press "Align phase slopes ar cursor", i get: not a summation as i expected.. (see below)


and is there any process to "clean the phase" if i then measure in a reverberant room?

please help what to look at and that your steps usually are in this cases..
have a greate day!
hi from Sweden

Without the linebreaks:
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The steps are to try all the options, automatic and manual, at different frequencies important for equalization and choose the best one.
in the example above, have i done something wrong if we look at the manual settings, is the phase graph ok, or is it a mess at 285Hz? (in the example with 4.5ms and 180deg on the other)
The option where the delay is 4.5 ms looks correct for frequencies up to 450 hertz. But it happens that in this case the frequency response deteriorates. Then you need to look for other options. Or it may turn out that both the phase and the amplitude cannot be equally well aligned. You can place your mdat file with measurements. For someone who will try to find an acceptable option.