Trimming unwanted content from REW frequency response measurements


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Apr 27, 2023

First post - excellent product and forum. I've searched for 'trim' but without luck.

In-box measurements for example after MIB correction, inevitably display unhelpful spl data far above the frequency of interest. Is there a facility in REW to truncate a frequency response at some selected frequency? After truncation, the spl should not drop to zero (which just creates another visual disturbance of the plot screen with a plummeting vertical spl line through other plots), but should just terminate at the final value, leaving that final value as it were 'in the air'?

Example attached - see ugly green MIB curve. If that data was truncated at 200 or 300Hz how much cleaner the display would be!


Many thanks.
Afraid not, sorry. Easiest workaround is probably to set the measurement end frequency for the range of interest when the measurement is made.
Noted John.

If I export the green curve to a text editor and remove unwanted measurement lines, how will REW process the final data point? Will it just 'hang in the air'?
For the benefit of others, the workaround solution is extremely simple to implement.

Unbeknown to me, REW has a very fancy export routine for a measurement to a text file, which can then be reimported to REW as a new measurement and the source measurement deleted.

All you have to do is set the desired frequency response in the REW exporter facility like this:


  • export.jpg
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