UMIK-1 USB Cable Recommendation

Allan S

New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 2, 2023
Apex, NC
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
PS Audip Gain Cell DAC
Main Amp
PS Audio M1200
Additional Amp
NAD T758
Streaming Equipment
Bluesound Vault 2i
Front Speakers
Philharmonic Audio BMR
Center Channel Speaker
Revel Concerta C10
Surround Speakers
Revel Concerta M8
Other Speakers
Spatial Audio M4 Saphire
I just bought a USB C UMIK-1 but need a 15’ cable to reach the primary listening position. My preference is to buy a 15’ USB A / USB C cable but I’m not finding many options over 10’. Alternatively I could buy a 10’ USB A extension but would rather avoid the added connection if possible.

Any thoughts or recommendations for a cable would be most appreciated. Monoprice has a $2 extension but there’s something about plugging a $2 cable into a $100 mic that just seems wrong.

Thank you.
Longer cables won't work, or will sporadic. I went back to a 6' cable. I use an MS Surface laptop PC, and put it on a stool, with the mic on a tripod, or hand-held.
I use my UMIK-1 with a buffered extension with no problems.
Thank you. I’d got the same advice from Deer Creek Audio about longer cables an/or extensions. But I hadn‘t heard of a buffer cable before. I‘m going to need a lap top eventually anyway so may consider one sooner than later.
I've been using a 15ft USB A extension(pretty sure it was a Monoprice buy) for over four years now with my UMIK-1 that I bought from Cross Spectrum Labs. No problems what-so-ever.