Useful Free Software


Leonard Caillouet

This thread will be dedicated to posting links, descriptions, and uses for the many great tools that are available for free. If there is software that is not free that you think deserves a mention, please start a new thread. If it is free to try but to continue using it you have to subscribe or buy it, that is not free.

Of course the mother of all free software is REW, and that has plenty of discussion in its own places here at
A lot of need a simple, reliable CAD tool for 2D/3D modeling of our rooms. Sweet Home 3D is free open source software I found to be a bit cumbersome and quirky, but simple to learn. Sketch Up is also free, and though I've yet to try it, I hear its steep learning curve is worth the effort.
One of the most useful tools I use is CCleaner from Piriform.

I have been using it to clean up Windows for years and never, ever, had an issue. Never found any reason to go beyond the free version.
Another free one that I use a lot, but most folks may not, is WinSCP. It is a free FTP client that makes moving files around between servers or between my workstation and a server very easy. It supports SFTP and Putty.

I actually use it at work all the time, which is where I discovered it.
Filezilla is another good one. Lots of the analysts where i work use it as well.
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The software is free. The gentleman that created it just asks for donations if you are inclined.

His application interfaces with a movie database site to draw the movie posters, movie information, movie preview video. The software scales to your tv screen size. You can create a custom poster list like I did by naming a list and then selecting the movies you want on the list, in my case 420 movies in my collection.

The app installs on a PC (windows based I believe). I have a computer in my media closet and a hdmi that runs to the movie poster in my hallway. The computer does not have to be all that fancy. They lists recommended minimum specs on the site.

HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.

Reasons you’ll love HandBrake:
  • Convert video from nearly any format
  • Free and Open Source
  • Multi-Platform (Windows, Mac and Linux)