Using Logger for voltage levels


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May 14, 2020
The Logger function for the SPL meter is normally used to log SPL levels, and can be calibrated in dBSpl.
I have a need to log voltage levels on one channel, and SPL on a second channel*
Is there a way to set the Logger Y-axis scale to Volts, and how could I calibrate that scale?


*I am working on an electrostatic speaker setup and need to investigate the actual voltage levels needed at the stators for a specific SPL,
and the actual levels with (dynamic) music reproduction.
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The logger is mono, it can only capture a single channel. You could do "SPL" calibration on an input that actually calibrated it to read dBV.
Ahh yes, the acoustic pressure delivered by the measurement mike is 'just' a voltage level, so I can use an oscillator to 'calibrate' that,
That'll work, thanks.
But I could use two channels with the Pro version and a stereo soundcard, right?
One input for the actual SPL from the mike and the other channel with the measured signal level.
Would that enable the logger to record two channels?
If not, could I record/log the two channels sequentially and later align them?

There is only one logger on the first SPL meter and it only logs that input. You could do two log sessions using the same test sequence each time, but you would have to pull the log files into Excel to compare them.
OK, I understand. I think I can make this work somehow.
Thanks John.
