We Just Picked Up an Intense Burst of 15 Weird Signals From a Distant Galaxy


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Jul 13, 2017
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from sciencealert,

"In the early hours of Saturday morning, researchers searching the Universe for signs of alien life detected 15 explosive radio signals in the space of just five hours, all coming from a tiny galaxy 3 billion light-years away."


Hmm, wonder if they are telling us something?

Any thoughts?
The interesting thing is this was one of the first sources of FRB's detected and the latest signals are at a higher frequency.
They plan on opening up the range of frequencies listened to in an effort to try and understand them.
The Register points out that:
The position of this #FastRadioBurst reveals a surprise: a small, wimpy galaxy. Not a dramatic, violent, neighborhood like you might expect.

A couple of good articles are in NewScientist and The Register
This is very fascinating.. I hope they find more details on this..
So how long does it take a radio signal to travel 3 billion light years?

And how did they know to send it to us!!!! :sneeky:
So how long does it take a radio signal to travel 3 billion light years?

And how did they know to send it to us!!!! :sneeky:

Well, radio waves travel at the speed of light, so that would be 3 Billion years. :hide: (or in length It is 3 billion times 9.5 quadrillion metres or 5.9 trillion miles.)

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I wonder if it was to go to another planet and we just intercepted it????

hmm, something else maybe the intended receiver..:nerd:
Very interesting article. I've always been fascinated by the amount of money, time, and research spent looking for alien life. It's almost as if someone knows something we don't. I can't help but think of the movie Contact when reading articles like this.
Contact is a great movie.. I know we can't be the only intelligent life in the entire universe.. No way.. Has to be someone/something else with intelligence out there somewhere..
I am always fascinated by these signals and I do love to watch all the various space films that show these signals.. Just so fascinating..
Fascinating stuff. I'm so intrigued by deep space...but at the same time find it a tad bit unsettling/creepy. Have you ever listened to sounds recorded by Voyager? Some of it is flat-out bizarre.

Such mystery. I only wish I had the brain power to comprehend astro-physics. :rubeyes:
Indeed, something beyond our intellect that is for sure.. :)