Whats the worst thing your pet has done?

Tony V.

Senior Member
Thread Starter
Apr 14, 2017
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX RZ920
Main Amp
Samson Servo 600
Additional Amp
QSC MX1500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic 220
Streaming Subscriptions
Denon DT 625 CD/Tape unit, Nintendo WiiU, and more
Front Speakers
EV Sentry 500
Center Channel Speaker
EV Sentry 500
Surround Speakers
Mission 762
Surround Back Speakers
Mission 762
Video Display Device
Panasonic AE 8000
Remote Control
Logitech 1100
So got home yesterday after work and found this, our dog had literally eaten half the remote control for our Panasonic plasma TV.
This was all that was left:
Oh my! Hope he didn't swallow anything.
Lets put it this way other than what you see in the picture I only found the batteries and a few random buttons from the other half.
One of my dogs as a pup used to like to chew on my cell phone. Specifically chew the antennae off. Yes, this was over ten years ago when cell phones still had antennae. I can't tell you how many replacement antennae I purchased for that phone.
The great Barbie Masacre of 2009.

My dog, Moose, was a puppy. We crated him in our bedroom for his first year... one day we were leaving the house and my kids had been playing with roughly 15 Barbie dolls in our room... they left everything setup and we put Moose in the crate.

Several hours later, we came home and found Moose out of the crate... and the Barbies had been torn to shreds. Arms, legs, body parts, chewed up and partially devoured.

Moose crapped Barbie parts for several days :-)

It took weeks for my kids to recover!
They always seem to seek out carpet if they need to puke. Like literally move from tile to find carpet and vomit.
I’ve been pretty lucky in my dog teething/chewing years. My first Rott as a puppy literally chewed one of our kitchen chairs leg off. We would gate him in the kitchen while at work and in a span of 8 hours we were missing a leg. It was at that point I employed crate training while unsupervised. Haven’t had any issues since. On a side note take a look at whole Elk antlers for his chewing pleasure. My dog LOVES them! We order the XL whole from Amazon and they usually last a few months.
Hope the dog left enough so you can get the part number to order a new one.

I did find one on eBay, just looked up my TV model ST60
Oh my... Poor dogs..
Okay... ashamed to admit it, but I have a pretty good one. Our AKC registered poodle that we had for 16 years was named Van Tiffin... and we called him Tiffin. We came home from eating out one night and Tiffin is under the bed hiding from us for some reason. Angie walks over and finds this plastic bag next to the bed that looks like it's been chewed on... picks it up and asks me what I think it might be... and she is worried about Tiffin acting very odd. Then she grabs him out from under the bed and sets him on the bed and he is like one of these nodder heads... the bobbing head dolls. He literally acts drunk. Then I connected the dots... this was back in my pothead days in 1989 before Chelsea was born... and I had accidentally (imaging that) left a bag of pot on the nightstand next to our bed. Well... Tiffin found it... and he ate just about all of it... and I was on the floor trying to dig what was left of it out of the carpet. That has been a story to tell for quite some time... especially to my older pothead buddies. FYI... that was a former life of mine... I do NOT smoke pot and haven't in many many years. I don't like it and don't want it anymore... it has done more damage to my body than I can ever recover. The last time I tried some I had a panic attack and thought if I could get past that feeling... I'd never fire up another one... and I haven't. Nonetheless... can you top your pet eating your pot?
The great Barbie Masacre of 2009.

My dog, Moose, was a puppy. We crated him in our bedroom for his first year... one day we were leaving the house and my kids had been playing with roughly 15 Barbie dolls in our room... they left everything setup and we put Moose in the crate.

Several hours later, we came home and found Moose out of the crate... and the Barbies had been torn to shreds. Arms, legs, body parts, chewed up and partially devoured.

Moose crapped Barbie parts for several days :-)

It took weeks for my kids to recover!

bwahahaha, I cracked up with this one just imagining kids coming in to see the Barbie carnage.
My wife's dog (terrier mixed with dumb ) ate the sprinkler control heads for the house the we were renting. That stupid dog did it 3 times. The 2nd time she did it while getting electrical shocks from her collars. The 3rd time she did it while getting electrical shocks and shewing through thick plastic box used to protect the sprinkler control heads. Luckily we don't have that dog anymore, but we have another dumb dog now. We've got an Australian Shepherd / Potter Collie / Dumb mixed.
Dogs are like toddlers, can't leave them alone.. lol. :)
We adopted a Basset Hound that will be 3 years old next month. He has always been house trained and we have a dog door for him to come in and out as he pleases but lately he's been peeing on and off on the throw rug. I don't know what that is all about.