Who Is Your Favorite Movie Director?


Loved and Remembered Emeritus Reviewer
Thread Starter
Nov 21, 2016
North Carolina, USA
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX-SR705 Receiver
Main Amp
Crown XLS 1502 DriveCore-2 (x2 as monoblock)
Additional Amp
Behringer A500 Reference Power Amplifier
Front Speakers
MartinLogan Electromotion ESL Electrostatic (x2)
Center Channel Speaker
Phantom Center
Surround Speakers
NSM Audio Model 5 2-Way (x2)
JBL ES150P Powered Subwoofer (x2)
I have a few:

Terry Gilliam - The Fisher King, 12 Monkeys
Ridley Scott - Alien (yes, the FIRST one, the BEST one so far!), Blade Runner
David Fincher - Fight Club, Gone Girl
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Christopher Nolan and David Fincher are tops on my list... I'm also a sucker for John Hughes and John McTiernan!
Wow, could you come up with a more difficult question? So many good ones. Some of my favorites;
John Ford
David Lynch
Ridley Scott
Mel Brooks
and a bunch of others like; Peckinpah, Howard, Coen, Spielberg, DeMille, Huston, Eastwood, Hughes, Coppola, and Scorsese.
Quentin Tarantino
Tarantino and Scorsese are two awesome directors... of course Spielberg is made loads of classics.

I'm going to toss Harold Ramis into my pool. Was he making Academy Award winning films? No. Some of the great comedies? Yes.
JJ Abrams should be on the list