Battery powered amp


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
I have always been intrigued by the British using batteries for powering their amps, preamps, etc.. Since I am building B&O class D amps...I was wondering how I would go about powering them from rechargeable batteries. I found a link that sells battery powered integrated amps that also recharge when not used. How would I go about doing this? I am thinking I could use a gelcell battery for each amp. Here is a link to the integrated amp, but they do not show the insides or say how they do it.
I am also wondering if I would be able to make the amp modules be on each side of the horn with a battery in the middle under the the horn assembly close to the driver. Will a battery interfere with a compression driver? I am thinking maybe the case could also double duty as a support for the horn.

At the very least I am assuming I could run my crossovers off of batteries since they use a wall wart for power. Is there a problem with running some components off of AC, and others off of battery at the same time if I cannot run my amps off of batteries?

I am hoping someone might be able to help me figure this out before I start to make my amp cases next month.
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Apr 2, 2017
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Sounds like a complex project. What is the benefit here... eliminating potential noise from electric lines?


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
Years ago I remember seeing the British have their audio equipment powered by batteries, and saying it sounded better. I also have read that DC is a better sounding power than AC, but AC is used to provide power without loss over long lines. Supposedly audio equipment is actually DC powered, and the transformer in your equipment converts t to to AC. I say supposedly as I am not that familiar with it...maybe some electronics technician will respond, and educate me on this process. It makes sense to me that if your equipment is DC powered, and if you could remove a transformer it could mean a cleaner signal due to less equipment in the signal path, converting from AC to DC. I am still waying out the options for cost, and complication since I am not a audio technition by any means, but I am def interested in what it would take to do this right. The one I posted had it all in a nice small package, and if I do this I would also want it to be in a small package.

We just installed solar on our new house, and from what I understand it is DC current that is converted to AC. It would be great to have my audio equipment setup as DC, and then have some batteries with a couple of solar panels, and not have to have the electricity converted to AC IMO.
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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
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Aug 13, 2017
Somewhere Northeast of Kansas City Missouri
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Martin Logan Dynamo 700
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You may also have seen that some very high end DACs and PreAmps have their PowerSupplies in a separate chassis/box... This is where alternating current (AC) is transmutated/transformed into Direct Current (DC) and voltage is often split and reduced... Isolating the PowerSupplies/Regulators/Transformers from Gain Stages helps keep the noise (EMI/RFI) down... Maxwell, Tesla and Faraday at play...


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
You may also have seen that some very high end DACs and PreAmps have their PowerSupplies in a separate chassis/box... This is where alternating current (AC) is transmutated/transformed into Direct Current (DC) and voltage is often split and reduced... Isolating the PowerSupplies/Regulators/Transformers from Gain Stages helps keep the noise (EMI/RFI) down... Maxwell, Tesla and Faraday at play...
Yes, my old Classe DR6 preamp was like this too back in the early 1990s. I am hoping I can go the further step by eliminating all AC in my setup entirely (might be a pipe dream, but we will see what I can do.The easy part will be my crossovers, Dirac, and turntable. The poweramps would be the next items if I can do them. The OPPO, and preamp are the big question items, and I am pretty sure I would have to have them professionally modded so it is unlikely I would do those, plus it would change the resale value considerably for the worse). If I can I will get a solar panel installed just for my Hifi setup with direct DC from the solar with some batteries setup for it too since i would not need a big battery pack like doing solar for the whole house.


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
It looks like it will be easy to do if you have a wall wart, so I will try those items first. I might then try an a power amp that is already DC battery ready. I do not see any way to try this on a AVP, as it would require major surgery.
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