Recent content by bkeeler10

  1. bkeeler10

    Flash Giveaway... Special Edition!!

    Sweet, this is great. Phillihp23, you're awesome for being generous enough to provide this for the giveaway. And thanks as always to AVNirvana for being an awesome place with awesome people!
  2. bkeeler10

    Flash Giveaway... Special Edition!!

    Mighty kind of @phillihp23 . I'm in.
  3. bkeeler10

    Little Women - Blu-ray Review

    I'm kind of interested in this one, but my wife is really interested haha. We will be watching it.
  4. bkeeler10

    No More Doom and Gloom... Win 'The Rise of Skywalker' on Blu-ray!

    Ah, cancer treatment? Sorry to hear. Hope it goes well.
  5. bkeeler10

    No More Doom and Gloom... Win 'The Rise of Skywalker' on Blu-ray!

    Okay I'll bite: What happens Monday?
  6. bkeeler10

    No More Doom and Gloom... Win 'The Rise of Skywalker' on Blu-ray!

    Good deal, would love to have this disc. Below is a link to my theater in the AV Showcase area. But I realize I really need to update it with current pictures since it is basically finished. Good reminder.
  7. bkeeler10

    Bring the Fight Home with Universal's '1917' on Blu-ray!

    I'm in. Thanks again to Todd and Michael!
  8. bkeeler10

    A Quiet Place: Steelbook - 4K Blu-ray Review

    I still haven't gotten around to watching this, but your audio review just lit the fire again. Horror is not normally my thing, but my impression is this isn't a typical horror movie. I'm still not sure my wife will want to see it, so I might just have to watch it without her :)
  9. bkeeler10

    Chill Out and Win Disney's 'Frozen 2' on Blu-ray and 4K UHD!

    I'm hoping the same thing as JimShaw. I'm in! Thanks Todd and AVNirvana
  10. bkeeler10

    Win Ford v Ferrari on Blu-ray!

    Ooh, yes please. I'm looking forward to seeing this. Thanks for arranging the giveaway!
  11. bkeeler10

    Ford v Ferrari - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Adding it to my list now. Sounds great. Thanks for the review.
  12. bkeeler10

    2019 Disc Recap: Blu-ray Remains King, Sales Continue to Plummet

    I do hope discs stay around for a while longer. I've got nothing against the idea of streaming, but as has been pointed out, the quality needs to be on par with optical media, it needs to be packaged so that you can get what you want affordably without paying for what you don't want, and you...
  13. bkeeler10

    CES 2020: Meet DALI Loudspeaker's New Rubicon C Series of Speakers

    I always get excited when I see active speakers, and I really dig the look of the woofers on these. However, that price tag . . . :rubeyes:
  14. bkeeler10

    Maleficent: Mistress of Evil - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Sounds like fun. I'll be watching it for sure, but I may have to revisit the first one since it's been so long. Thanks for the review.
  15. bkeeler10

    Lenbrook and OraStream Join Forces to Strengthen BluOS Hi-Res Streaming Capabilities

    This is cool. I have a NAD receiver with BluOS, so I will have to keep an eye out for the changes this will bring. :)