Chill Out and Win Disney's 'Frozen 2' on Blu-ray and 4K UHD!


(February 21, 2020) Ladies and gentlemen, it's COLD outside. Freezing cold! And you know what that means? It's time for a little Frozen 2!

That's right, our latest Flash Giveaway is a frigid contest for Disney's latest Frozen installment... brand-new on Blu-ray, shipped directly from the fine folks at the Magic Kingdom, as well as a 4K UHD disc shipped directly from us.

AV NIRVANA's sensational movie brainiac, Michael Scott, recently took Frozen 2 for a spin and found a fun story laced with excellent audio and video. In fact, Scott says the film's image is "nothing short of digital perfection." He adds: "The blu-ray is glorious in every way, with vivid colors, sparkling tapestries of various locations ranging from the gray northern sea, to the earthy woodland, to the bright blues and whites of the snow covered mountains."

This, folks, is something you need to see to believe.

And the 7.1 audio package? It's no slouch either, throwing an excellent soundstage loaded with surround activity.

If you want to learn more, you can read Scott's full blu-ray review, here.

The 4K UHD version of the film provides additional visual enhancements, with improved black levels and more saturated colors. Scott says the release's use of HDR is particularly notable. True eye candy! Of course, the 4K disc also carries a Dolby Atmos encode laced with notable enhancements!! Read Scott's full 4K UHD review, here.

Most of you know the entry rules by heart, but here it goes for those you that are new: If you’re not a member, you’ll need to become one to enter the contest. Membership is 100% free… although you can certainly opt to support our site through various levels of Premium Memberships.

In order to enter the contest, just leave a comment below and you'll gain one entry into the contest. The official – random – drawing will be held on March 6, 2020.

As always, any member with 100 posts will have TWO automatic entries, while any member with 1,000 posts will receive THREE automatic entries! It’s our way of thanking those that have made AV NIRVANA their home! If you want better odds in this or future giveaway contests, get active on the forum!

Best of luck to everyone that enters. And of course, the entire staff at AV NIRVANA would like to thank those members that have made AV NIRVANA their home theater discussion destination!

If you would like to become a valued supporter of our community, click here for more information. It helps us to keep the lights on and contests like this happening!

Here’s the fine print:

  1. All entrants must be AV NIRVANA members (100% free and easy to join, including Facebook login) and live within the Continental United States (Lower 48).
  2. All previous Giveaway winners are free to enter.
  3. The contest runs from February 21, 2020 through March 2, 2020 (9:00AM EST).
  4. Two winners will be selected at random and announced in this thread.
  5. The 1st contest winner will receive a 4K review copy shipped directly from us, while the 2nd contest winner will receive a new Blu-ray copy of Frozen 2, shipped direct by Disney.
  6. Any member with 100 posts will have TWO automatic entries, while any member with 1,000 posts will receive THREE automatic entries!
  7. Winners will have 3 days to respond to the winner's notification. If AV NIRVANA does not receive a response, the drawing will be run again.
  8. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
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Happy Friday everyone! Good luck
Thanks again for the opportunity. I am in. :) I don't have 4K so blu ray version would be sufficient for my needs. :)
Another giveaway. Woo Hoo! Thanks A/V Nirvana and count me in.
I didn't win Ford v Ferrari. So, my thinking is that made the odds of me winning Frozen 2 much higher

Definitely in
I'm hoping the same thing as JimShaw. I'm in! Thanks Todd and AVNirvana
I’m in as well. Thanks once again @Todd Anderson for the opportunity!
Count me in! Thanks for the chance. I have not seen part 2 yet but my daughter loved it.
Count me in, wife wants to see how this one is compared to the first.
Count me in please :)
I am in as well! The family has yet to see it.
I could get on my granddaughter’s good side with this one. Count me in.
Yes, Todd count me in

……………………………….....………………………. Shhhh, don't tell Todd. This is my second post. Maybe he won't notice and put me in twice
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Come on 4k for my little ladies birthday
Yes, Todd count me in

……………………………….....………………………. Shhhh, don't tell Todd. This is my second post. Maybe he won't notice and put me in twice
Thanks for the opportunity, would love this.
I'm all in fellows, good luck to everybody!
aaaaaaaaaaaand it wraps up!
Yep, and we'll probably hear from Todd as soon as he wakes up, showers & gets his make up on!!!
Just kidding Todd!
well, that may be a while. He takes an hour and a half to put on his makeup from what I hear