The Denon A10H remote is backlit and quite heavy. The front appears to be made of aluminum and the grip is very nice.
I use the Denon app to control the A10H, but it's a nice remote nonetheless.
I downloaded the Audyssey MultEQ Editor app and it was worth the $20. Now I can change all the frequencies to my liking. It has other really cool tools like Midrange Compensation.
I can send two different settings and send them to the A10H Preset.
O painel da TV foi entregue e será montado no dia 17. A lã de rocha também chegou para ser instalada junto com o painel.
Mal posso esperar para ouvir o som com tudo montado. A semana que vem parece promissora.
I'm currently enjoying Zone 2 in my office. These KEF CI-160QL ceiling speakers are great. Tidal is great.
Imagine a guy happy with the purchase of the Denon A10H receiver.
Good News !!
I just received a message from the company that I had made the wooden panel for the TV.
They scheduled the delivery for 03/13.
It will be assembled soon.
Muito obrigado, Todd!
I found out about this site through your review on Youtube about your Pioneer Elite LX-805. Congratulations again for the excellent work.
Glad to hear about these details. The DENON A10H is actually a really nice and well-built beast. Your Pioneer LX-805 is another beast...
I bought an Onkyo RZ50, but unfortunately it came with a problem with the HDMI. It lost signal with my JVC projector. Other than that, it's a great AVR.
Denons are very reliable and easy to set up. The only annoying thing is having to pay a lot to get Dirac Live. Positive point for the...
Thank you my friends!! :T
The weekend was short with the Denon A10H.
Crystal clear and well-articulated sound in music and movies with clean dialogue, well-distributed effects and a lot of impact on the Subwoofer.
So far I am very satisfied with the results obtained with the Audyssey X32. My...
Thank you, my friend!
I also really like Stereo audio.
I have an integrated Gryphon Atilla to play the Transrotor and the Aurender A10. The record player is German from the brand Transrotor model Crescendo Nero.
The Pre de phono is the Tom Evans Groove Anniversary.
I'm waiting for the TV's...
Thank you, my friend!
I also really like Stereo audio.
I have an integrated Gryphon Atilla to play the Transrotor and the Aurender A10. The record player is German from the brand Transrotor model Crescendo Nero.
The Pre de phono is the Tom Evans Groove Anniversary.
I'm waiting for the TV's...
The beast has arrived...
Impressed with the finish and construction of the A10H.
I already had two updates. I did the Audyssey calibration and so far very excited with the audio. Very clean and detailed sound.
The power is sensational passing a lot of control and speed in the boxes, but with...
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