Recent content by JLM1948

  1. J

    Phase errors in REW

    The graph shows that phase has a continuously descending value, which looks pretty good. Now, phase error compared to what?
  2. J

    Scale limits in impedance measurement

    It's at the bottom of the "Controls" tag. Please note that measuring an otherwise unconnected transformer shows a much higher impedance than the nominal impedance. A typical 600 ohms transformer will show as a rising graph from about 1kohm at 20Hz to several hundred kilohms at 20kHz.
  3. J

    Scale limits in impedance measurement

    Hi, I have finally got the time to set up impedance measurement. I intend to make a database of dynamic and ribbon microphone impedance. I have used a 2kohm series resistor. I find that the graph only goes to 1000 ohms. Trying to change it in the "Limits" box apparently doesn't work. Of course...
  4. J

    Measure THD of a Song.

    No one can measure the "THD of a song". THD depends on frequency and level; it can only be measured with fixed tones (at least fixed enough to allow measurement to settle). One thing is not clear: do you want to evaluate the THD inherent to the song, or the THD resulting from passing the song...
  5. J

    Seperate soundcards for input and output - what am I doing wrong?

    Google "aggregate ASIO". ASIO4ALL for example.
  6. J

    Preference/Freature request: 1.5kHz or 750Hz test tone for soundcard calibration at 48kHz, 96kHz or 192kHz samplerates

    How would it be better than 96000:1000=96? 1kHz is a historical reference in frequency response measurements.
  7. J

    Any thoughts on balanced power?

    Many simple power conditioners are just EMI/RFI filters. If the equipment has been properly designed, EMI/RFI protection should be already addressed. Adding two such filters is not damageable, but also not significant. There are some cases, as that of the OP, that require more than filtering...
  8. J

    Any thoughts on balanced power?

    So it's not balanced power, it's floating power. I think you can expect better performance noise-wise, with the equipment earthed. Screen to safety earth is good.
  9. J

    Any thoughts on balanced power?

    Making it balanced requires connecting its center tap to the earth of te receiving equipment. Without it, it is floating.
  10. J

    Any thoughts on balanced power?

    Are you positive that it's balanced? Medical equipment is often powerd from a floating iso transformer, which is somewhat diferent, particularly because it's extremely safe, which is not necessarily teh case with balanced power. Anyway, in most cases, good earthing negates the need for balanced...
  11. J

    Cardioid rear driver setup

    This configuration is the one that provides best rear rejection, but the front response is restricted. Another possible configuration, "end-fire" array, optimizes the front response, at the cost of having a lesser and variable rejection. Restricting BW of the rear speaker allows fixing this...
  12. J

    Are there Bass Traps for specific Hz ranges?

    What is the size of your room. Just to check it coincides with fundamental room modes. 52 and 85 Hz suggest 22' x 13' (6.50m x 4m)
  13. J

    Are there Bass Traps for specific Hz ranges?

    I don't see any tunable bass traps there... Check or or
  14. J

    Are there Bass Traps for specific Hz ranges?

    You need to check tuned resonators. Most common is Helmholtz resonator.They are bulky, but you can tune them to perfection, as long as you have the proper measurement tools.