Cardioid rear driver setup


Thread Starter
Jan 22, 2022
I'd like to experiment with a Cardioid rear driver for midbass. Reading from the experts, I think I delay the rear driver (by the driver separation distance) and reverse it's polarity.

The main bass driver will be crossed at 1000hz and the Cardioid driver will work from approx. 70hz to 700hz. I think ideally, the rear driver will be eqd first, then delays/polarity set, then measured together with the main bass driver.
This seems a very good job for Audiolense. Is there a way to set this up? I have Audiolense XO.

This configuration is the one that provides best rear rejection, but the front response is restricted.
Another possible configuration, "end-fire" array, optimizes the front response, at the cost of having a lesser and variable rejection.
Restricting BW of the rear speaker allows fixing this issue, but you can't expect it to work over a 6+ octave span.

The attachment describes the various possibilities of subwoofer cardioid arrangements. You need to scale for midrange.


Hi James,

I'm sorry to say that Audiolense does not come with a digital cardiode solution. What you could do as an alternative is to low pass and attenuate the back firing driver the old way.