Recent content by MediumRare

  1. M

    1st attempt using the auto eq

    Any reason you chose 1/3 smoothing? Let’s see 1/12 or psychoacoustic.
  2. M

    Simple Stereo Measurements With REW on Windows 10

    @billm256 would love to see your FR results (and more, such as ETC) when you have them. I’ve heard your speakers at Axpona and they’re very interesting.
  3. M

    REW Beta Release Latest REW development build

    Congratulations, John. Can’t wait to try it out.
  4. M

    REW measurements using Pink Noise v Sweep

    Here we go after extensive tuning of the subwoofer phase (105 deg), crossover (75, 24 db slope) and internal eq. Also a little eq courtesy of my preamp, but not digitally. Room is 17 W x 23 L x 9 H. Speakers are 104" apart nearly centered along the long wall (22" from wall) and both are 121"...
  5. M

    REW measurements using Pink Noise v Sweep

    I tried both random and periodic with different sizes. With lower sizes I could hear pulsing, but didn’t seem to change the results much. Any comments there? I’ll rerun the analysis and post files if there are still important differences.
  6. M

    REW measurements using Pink Noise v Sweep

    I most likely did not - where is that setting? Also, would that affect just the slope, or otherwise, what would you make of the differences in nulls/spikes?
  7. M

    REW measurements using Pink Noise v Sweep

    I measured my system using the sweep method and then using pink noise. There were some pretty large differences, especially where the pink noise method showed a dramatic downslope from about 300 hz to 20k. There was also more LF nulls using the sweep method and a spike around 200hz using pink...
  8. M

    Two dips in L/R FR but not in Left and Right Individually

    Funny story: I just did a moving mike test on my own listening room. I did it with and without a person sitting in the primary listening position. Then I left the mike on a tripod and repeated the measurement. There were barely a handful of ripples of differences between the three trials...
  9. M

    Two dips in L/R FR but not in Left and Right Individually

    I’m not familiar with Audiolense, but using the guidance from Harman research, the ideal in-room curve is downward-sloped 10 db from about 200hz to 20k hz. Regarding the "two-ears needs two measurements" question, multiple measurements are better but not because of two ears. It’s because you...
  10. M

    Two dips in L/R FR but not in Left and Right Individually

    Smoothing option in REW graph.
  11. M

    Two dips in L/R FR but not in Left and Right Individually

    Yes. Also, try applying psychoacoustic smoothing and check the results. Almost certainly inaudible. You might end up pulling down some of the HF bumps to get a proper downslope. Otherwise your curves look outstanding.
  12. M

    Studios at Risk Over Deceptive Trailers

    In the US, legal costs may be apportioned by contract or by the court. Often, the winner has their costs covered. In Australia a plaintiff has to post a bond for the defendant’s costs when filing their claim. That is a huge deterrent to filing a valid claim, as a corporate defendant will have...
  13. M

    Studios at Risk Over Deceptive Trailers

    It does seem trivial, but it was indisputably false advertising. The damages (if any, in this case) are small on an individual basis, but there was deception in principle. One can imagine a bigger star or other falsehood driving first week traffic before the public realizes the deception and...
  14. M

    Seeking advice on analysis of REW measurement

    First off, I’m terribly jealous, not only of all your gear, but your ability to use that stuff. Very cool! I have a couple questions: - what is the source of the frequencies below 40 Hz, as I doubt those speakers generate it? - have you compared with the door closed and open? - have you tried...