Recent content by Wayne A. Pflughaupt

  1. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Behringer ECM8000

    Keep in mind that using the ECM8000 will require a USB audio interface. If you don’t currently have both the mic and a suitable interface, it would probably be cheaper to get a USB mic. Regards, Wayne
  2. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    focusrite scarlett +REW+7.1 chanels

    Doubtful. 7.1 measurements typically require a USB mic. Regards, Wayne
  3. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Combining two EQs (help needed)

    That's curious. Well, you are on the right track finding a way to specifically reduce 40-80 Hz range. I can’t advise how to accomplish that with the Linux, as I know nothing about it. Unfortunately, your proposed process makes no sense to me for dealing with a subwoofer problem, but I expect...
  4. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Combining two EQs (help needed)

    The sub doesn't have its own gain knob? Regards, Wayne
  5. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Combining two EQs (help needed)

    When you say “Reducing the overall volume,” are you talking about the main Sony volume, or the level on the subwoofer specifically? Regards, Wayne
  6. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Combining two EQs (help needed)

    Is there a subwoofer in the system? What is providing the equalization? Regards, Wayne
  7. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Bi-amp Revel F208s using Denon 8500HA?

    It won't cost anything to try it with the 8500, so I'd start there. Regards, Wayne
  8. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Constant 60hz on RTA

    The collective experience holds that the best interfaces for REW are the simple ones – typically stereo or mono devices. There are differing opinions on that. Filters for room correction will be below the Schroeder frequency, typically 100-300 Hz depending on the room. Above that point...
  9. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Constant 60hz on RTA

    In addition to what Sonnie said, you’ll also need a USB audio interface with phantom power to use the ECM8000. Unless you already have one, it’d be cheaper in the long run to return the ECM and gete the UMIK-1. Regards, Wayne
  10. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Hi from Toulouse France

    Welcome! Open a thread in the REW Support Forum and hopefully someone can help out. Regards, Wayne
  11. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Looking for REW Setup Help for Church Sound Consultant

    The folllowing is based on an older version of REW, but should pretty close to the current version. Connect your audio interface to the laptop, and the measurement mic to the interface, and open REW. From the computer’s "Speakers" menu, select the interface as the recording and playback...
  12. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    How many subwoofers are you using in your main system or home theater?

    We have a pretty simple set up: A single Hsu ULS-15-MKII equalized with a Yamaha YDP-2006 digital parametric equalizer. Our living room is small so it’s sufficient. Regards, Wayne
  13. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Looking for REW Setup Help for Church Sound Consultant

    I’m not big on ASIO, but AFAIK it’s utilized with USB measurement mics in conjunction with a multi-channel home theater system. Since you have a standard mic and USB interface, that will be feeding a mono signal to a mixing console, it doesn’t apply to your equipment and situation. As far as...
  14. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Looking for REW Setup Help for Church Sound Consultant

    What are you having trouble with? Regards, Wayne
  15. Wayne A. Pflughaupt

    Looking for REW Setup Help for Church Sound Consultant

    I suggest getting your feet wet by using REW with your home stereo system or other audio playback system. Cheers, Wayne