
  1. Kisliy

    It is impossible to measure the frequency response of Edifier R1700BT speakers

    Hello! It seems I have caught a big bug in REW -_- I bought a UMIK-1 microphone and Edifier R1700BT speakers, decided to measure the frequency response using REW 5.31.5 and it didn't work. When measuring at a frequency of 7 kHz a break occurs. After measuring, the subsequent signal through REW...
  2. J

    Static noise, failed calibration using REW with Behringer UMC202HD Audio Interface

    I have recently purchased a Berhinger UMC202HD Audio Interface that I intend to use to analyze and tune audio hardware and speaker systems. I have used REW many years ago for speaker measurements using the internal sound card of a laptop. With the appearance of high quality audio interfaces I...
  3. S

    Feature Request: crossover filters on Configurable PEQ equalizer

    The Generic > Configurable PEQ equalizer should have optional HPF/LPF in its filters. I am not really sure how to add these otherwise. Better yet, it would be great for the Dayton DSP-408 to be available in the Equalizers menu.
  4. B

    Thiele Small Question

    Hello everyone! I'm doing some tests with REW to get T&S parameters and I had a question about a accuracy of my measure. I think that my audio interface doesn't have the necessary gain to get a perfect curve because if I use -12 dBFS I get a curve with a lot of peaks and when I use 0 dBFS the...
  5. drodgers

    Feature Proposal: Iterative Convergent Measurement/Eq Generation

    Hi! First post here. I've gotten a ton of value out of REW; thank you so much, John! I've noticed that I've had the most success with low frequency sub-integration EQ when doing multiple rounds of measurement and equalisation. Typically, this has been: Perform measurements Generate 3-band PEQ...
  6. G


    Hi everyone, I can't solve this problem in any way, can anyone help me?
  7. H

    svs pb 2000 pro having null in small room

    Hello all. My room size is height 10 feet length 12.75 feet width 10.3 feet. I tried subwoofer crawl 4times but the thing is when subwoofer is in chair then bass is good while i crawl and find good place but after actually putting it in the place its not same. I tried a lot but no, Now i have...
  8. M

    REW Beta Release SPL measurements and calibration

    Hi, I tried looking for an answer to this question on the forum but couldn't find one, so here it goes. I'm really new to the audio scene, and I'm starting to use REW. I have a USB interface and a SoundID measurement microphone. I did the soundcard calibration, and I have the microphone...
  9. 2631378999

    REW Beta Release REW5.31 Level meter error

    Hello dear John. First of all, on behalf of all the poor people related to audio, I would like to thank you for your dedication. rew software has helped many people, but recently I found out that there are level related errors in rew software, please pay attention to it. I used multiple...
  10. polish_power

    new EQ types to be hopefully implemented in |REW|

    Dear John, i have noticed that You've added d&b audiotechnik filterset for export in the EQ window. That made me wonder if similar implementation is possible for filter sections used by the industry leading amplified controller manufacturer - Powersoft. In the Powersoft X8 amp (which i am most...
  11. WillDoLikeMildew

    Inconsistent top end in measurements

    Sometimes when making measurements, the high frequencies get measured as 2.5dB louder than other recordings, despite both recordings taking place in the exact same conditions: mic in the same position, receiver with the same settings, all speakers in the same positions. Additionally, I live in a...
  12. U

    Resonance and RT60 : how to analyse low frequencies ?

    Hi everyone, First, let me introduce my situation : I'm a french student who works on a project dealing with acoustics in water infrastructures. I thus have to compare 2 solutions that could provide to reduce the RT60 in these infrastructures. However, I tested these 2 solutions (stretched...
  13. C

    random wrong ref time on repeated FarField measurements (v5.20)

    Hello. I have a question. Now, mind that these specific ones are measurements I did in october 2023. Forgot to ask at the time. Files says it was REW 5.20, I presume the one that was up to date at the time (V5.20.13?), so don't know if something changed after) I don't have the setup rigged right...
  14. M

    Response Comparison Across Target Levels — Seeking Insight

    I turned to REW's EQ tool for a more objective reference to an MSO target level. Based on an average response of the seats I will be feeding to MSO, REQ calculated a target level of 82.5dB (range 16–140Hz). I then ran a couple more equalizations at 85.0dB and 87.5dB to see how they compare...
  15. M

    miniDSP + UMIK Input Conflict

    I don’t know if this is a MacOS or REW setting that I need to resolve. When connecting both a miniDSP 2x4 HD and UMIK-1 to separate USB-C inputs on my Mac, only the miniDSP appears among the REW inputs. I can’t access the UMIK-1. Same on the Mac MIDI Settings utility. Given both devices are...
  16. A

    Project using LiDAR to predict sound distance attenuation in rooms

    Hello! I am currently a high school student working on a project to try to predict distance attenuation in a room using a LiDAR scan and microphone data of the user. Essentially the tool gets information about the users position in the room, the LiDAR scan of the room (converted to a mesh), data...
  17. O

    REW fails to output audio to linux pulseaudio_dnla device.

    Configuration: REW V5.30.2 / Linux Mint / Laptop Use case: Using REW to perform calibration of moOde-based audio systems. An extremely convenient way to output audio from a (linux) host to a moOde server is via DLNA by using pulseaudio_dnla to map the moode DLNA server as the default audio...
  18. M

    Insight Into New SVS Setup

    Hey Folks Took delivery today of two SVS PB-2000 Pro's for my dedicated room. They occupy the front left/right front corners between the mains and the adjacent side walls. I ran through a preliminary setup this evening with REW (fed by a calibrated UMIK-1 and into a Marantz Cinema 50 via HDMI)...
  19. M

    Ceiling Height Selection with Bulkheads

    Hey Folks Looking for some advice on room dimension reference where using the REW Room Simulation tool (or acoustic tools otherwise). My (16x23') theater has an 8 foot central ceiling height...but there are 40" bulkheads around the perimeter with 7 foot height. The overall surface area is...
  20. F

    REW Sweep during measure seems to stop @5kHz instead to proceed to 22kHz

    Setup: Mic Sonaworks SoundID Reference with calibration files ADC and DAC: Focusrtie Scarlet 2i2 4TH Sampling and reproduction set to 96kHz OS: MacOS Sonoma 14.1.1 Background: Up to yesterday all worked fine, done some measurements and in the SPL graph I saw the expected output a FFT with...