3db's Bedroom Setup.


Thread Starter
Dec 29, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha RX-A3060, RX-V1900, RX-V1075
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Yamaha BD-S681, Sony UBP-X800, Oppo BDP-83
Streaming Equipment
BlueSound Node2i
Front Speakers
PSB Image T65, PSB Century 800, PSB Century 300
Center Channel Speaker
PSB Image 8C, PSB Century200, PSB Century 100
Surround Speakers
PSB Image 1B, RBH A600, PSB Alpha Minis
Surround Back Speakers
PSB Image 1B
Rythmik LV12-R, PSB Subsonic 6, PSB Subsonic 5
Video Display Device
UN65KU6491 65"/UN55MU7000 55"/UN50MU7100 50"
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
Here are some pics of my system in my bedroom. My late wife hated that I had the equipment on the dresser and she gave me the idea to partially repurpose the dresser. I had to remove the 3 drawers in the middle to accomodate the equipment as well as removing the back panel as well because the AVR was too deep. After my wife passed, I pushed the bed over to the other side of the wall and I put up the surrounds. When I watch movies or listen to music, I pull the lazy-boy out in front of the night stand. It has felt pads underneath so its really easy to move. You will see in pics 5 and 6 where I had placed the sub. Its no longer there. I moved in the corner behind the lazy-boy.

Bedroom-2.jpg Bedroom-3.jpg Bedroom-4.jpg bedroom-6.jpg bedroom-9.JPG bedroom-10.JPG bedroom-14.JPG bedroom-15.JPG bedroom-16.JPG bedroom-17.JPG

I used REW to find the new spot mentioned above in the room for the subwoofer.

Here's are REW measurements. The red plot is where I had the sub before using REW to relocate the sub. The green plot shows the response with the sub at the new location.

Difference between old and new sub location.jpg
Wow, nicely done!

Yep... looks good.

We have a very nice two-channel system in our bedroom. The speakers are 2.5" each powered by 10 watts and the cabinet also houses a 37" TV screen... pretty neat.
I finally took some time to replace the PSB Alphas used as surrounds to Alpha Minis

Here are the size differences... The Alphas to the left, the Minis to the right.
IMG_6127.jpg IMG_6128.jpg IMG_6130.jpg

Before replacement

After replacement
Nice. I'd never get out of bed!
I have my moments but as long as I can haul my sorry out of bed and do something, I'm doing it. Old age will get me now sooner than later so I have to make the most of each day.
I picked this used sub for $200 to replace my old PSB Subsonic 5 a ported design with a 10" driver in my bedroom. It works really well for both music and HT.


The SubSonic 7 was the flagship subwoofer of the PSB line. It measures 17.5 inches wide, 19 inches tall and 17.5 inches deep including 1 inch for feet, a basic cube weighing just a little under 60 pounds. The SubSonic 7 has a single 15-inch driver with a rated frequency range of 22Hz to 150Hz, with a low frequency cutoff of 18Hz at –10dB. The SubSonic 7 is driven by an internal MOSFET power amplifier, which is capable of 330 watts continuous and as much as 1200 watts dynamic peak power, able to deliver as much as 112 dB of sound pressure.

In room measurement responses will be taken on the next rainy day.
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I finally got around to measure the room with new used Subsonic 7 15" sealed sub. I also learned something new in the behaviour of the RX-V1075 and why I was getting sub response from Pure Direct Mode while using an HDMI input.

The first plot shows the difference in in-room response between the Subsonic7 and Subsonic 5. The sub7 was placed in the same location as the sub5.
Subsonic7 Vs Subsonic5.jpg

The next plot shows the response with YPAO set to through (no room correction).

Master Bedroom Curves.jpg

The red curve sets all speakers to small and is running a little "hot" . I have to try some blurays but I suspect I may have to tone it down just a smidge.

The blue curve sets the fronts to large but also uses the sub with a feature called Extra Bass which is only selectable when the front speakers are set to large. I have the sub value set to -7db on the AVR . I use this setting for listening to music. It sounds pretty good.

The green curve is Pure Direct so there is no sub response from the Extra Bass feature.

Now the thing I learned about the RX-V1075 ( I suspect all RX-A models behave the same way) is that Pure Direct does not change the speaker settings from small to large which I believe my old RX-V1900 is doing . The speaker settings remain fixed at the values chosen in the Speaker Config Menu. Depending on weather, I may play around tomorrow with the RX-V1900 and verify that with measurements. And here I thought I had a good handle on Yamaha. :rolleyes: nasty f'in manuals!! :greengrin:
Remember the Infinity fan I purchased? Well, it came in yesterday and I read in another forum which I'm a member of that another member has the identical model and he could hear it from his seating position 8 ft away in between tracks. I placed the unit on top of my dresser/converted media console plugged it in and I was able to hear it. Sooooo, I decided to use it but to place it in my bedroom system for two reasons: 1) I barely ever do any critical listening there 2) Im tired of the rickety setup I had of a wire shelf being balanced on top of my AVR holding up a cassette deck and bluray player. It went from this

to this


I ordered a rear vent unit for the greatroom setup.
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I have that unit in a front-exhaust. IIR you can set the maximum allowable fan speed? I haven't had an issue with noise.

Wayne A. Pflughaupt
I redid the shelf support in the dresser. The before shots:
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I swapped out the RX-V1075 for an RX-A1060 but never bothered to run YPAO. I took pictures of the old setup and used them to set speaker distances and channel volumes on the new system setting the EQ to through (off).

I have setup this AVR like I did with the other two in that I use two speaker patterns that are available on the AVR. I set pattern1 for movie and pattern2 for music.

I decided to run YPAO to check distances and channel volumes. I then tried to get a smoother integration of the one sub to the mains by playing with the sub distance.

The old Pattern1 setup

The new Pattern1 setup.

The distances and channel volumes were identical from the old and new except for the sub. I manually tweeked the sub distance to get a better integration of sub to mains. The blue trace was measured before playing with the sub distances. The red trace is what I managed to achieve by playing with the sub distances. I like to run the sub hot for movies.
Pattern1 Before-After Tweeks.jpg

The old Pattern2

The new Pattern2

The orange trace is before tweeking, the green trace is after tweeking the sub distance. Pattern2 sets the mains to large but I still augment them with the sub using the extra bass option. I also dropped the sub output substantially for music and it works really well. One can't locate the sub when listening to the music.
Pattern2 Before-After Tweeks.jpg