REW Beta Release 5.14 .mdat files not reading correctly

Marc Sibiilia

Thread Starter
Apr 22, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Behringer MX802
Main Amp
Behringer NU4-6000
Front Speakers
I made some measurements this morning with 5.14. Then updated to 5.19 Beta. Files look OK in <Open> dialog, but read incorrectly. Reading again gives different results (look at #4 and #12, same measurement). Then I backed down to the current release 5.18. Same result.

OK. Backed to 5.14, and everything is working again.

5.19 fail.png 5.19 fail 2.png
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You needed one post before uploading files.... you should be able to now. :t
Thanks Marc. The files are OK, it is a side effect of some RT60 calculations being done when the file is loaded - one of the octave band filters is left applied. It can be fixed by going to the FilteredIR graph and setting the filter to none (bottom left corner of the graph). I'll look to get a fix in the next beta.
Thanks, John. That is why it is so nice to have you participating.