8-Channel Data to Create 6-Channel Filters


Thread Starter
Dec 12, 2018
Wake Forest, NC
I would like to use current 8-channel sweep data to create 6-channel filters and not have to re-sweep the room. This would involve removing the two "bass" channels (0 and 4). I have attached the measurement window which shows delays referenced to one of the two subs I want to remove. Do I need to shift all of my delays to do this? A procedure to do what is required would be greatly appreciated.


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Yes you can do that.

You can use the playback format setup and decide which speakers are used or not for whatever playback format you’re looking at.
Okay, found it under Speaker Setup. However I am looking for instructions on how to use it. I don't see the topic in the help file.
It’s straight foreard. You specify which inputs are sent to which outputs and with which gain.
Wait a minute. I just realised that you are intending to remove a driver from each speaker.

I’m afraid you will have to do a new measurement here. You can bypass speakers, but not single speaker drivers.
Yes, sorry I was not clear on that. I was trying to create a 3-way crossover and use the measurement obtained from a 4-way crossover. Thanks for confirming this for me.
