Acurus 200five


Thread Starter
Nov 21, 2020
I’m putting together a 5.1 system and have an opportunity to grab an Acurus 200five locally.

The paint on the heat sinks is a bit faded (not sure what would have caused that) but other than that it looks good and works good.

The seller is asking $775 but will come down a little, not sure to what yet

Is that a decent price on this amp?

I’ve had Acurus amps in the past and have liked them.

Also considering the Outlaw 5000x.

The amp will be powering SVS Prime Towers & center.

Thanks for any advice.
What does it cost new, and how old is it?
I don’t know for sure but I think it was around $2k MSRP. I’m not sure how old it is. I know, not much to go on. Sorry.
I think that is how you have to justify what you pay... consider the age, is there any warranty remaining, and how much was it new.

Consider also what others have sold for over the last few years.