Advice needed: Is 7.1 that much better than 5.1 in my Set up?

It's funny you should point me to this as I was just looking through it to figure it out. I have 9 speakers to work with. 5.1 from my current system and I am going to re-purpose 4 Polk wall mount speakers from an older system. Looking at the diagram on page 22 it seems I can go with a 5.2.4 system or a 7.2.2 setup. My issue is my couch sits with it's back up against the back wall. So currently my Surround S/R are in the back corners on a 90 angle facing in towards the couch. I plan to use two at the FPL speakers in the front. I plan to use the remaining 2 in the back. From a previous post from you, you gave me the idea to place them up by the ceiling pointing into the room like my current surrounds rather (The RPL speakers in the diagram only even with the couch). rather than pointing back into the room where the current SBL/SBR speakers are in the diagram for 7.2.2.

So the question then became do I set them up as RPL/RPR with no SBL/R or with SBL/R and no RPL/R. Since I only have 9 speakers. I am guessing I wire them as SBL/R and tell the Yamaha there are no RPL/R and let it simulate those as a part of it's processing, but wanted A confirmation and B: was wondering what I might gain / give up in such a scenario..

Further reading of the manual seems to imply if I set them up as SBL/R, the unit will use it's processing to simulate the other two speakers to create a 3D sound stage. I do know from my (now Ancient DSP 100E) set up having those FPL/FPR speakers does really widen the soundstage etc. Which is sort of why I am settling on this unit vs. the Outlaw from my other post. That combined with I am getting a decent deal on a 2070 model (less than a grand). Not sure if I am gaining that much over the 1070 unit by upgrading from 4 Burr/Brown processors to the Single SAbre ESS. but with this sale price it's only about $100 over the 1070 unit.

Does this help explain my thought process / original question?
Since your couch is against the back wall, I'd nix the idea of going 7.2.2. You really need a few feet or more to take advantage of rear surround speakers. In that case, I'd try RPL/RPR, up at the corner of the ceiling, angled down toward the listening position. And if you can do the same across your front wall, that would be ideal. Otherwise, try height channels with the speakers high on the wall.

Obviously, if you can experiment with temporary positioning, that will give you an idea of what you're getting into.

Does that answer your question? (or get you heading in the right direction?)

As for the 1070 vs 2070. Definitely go 2070. The 2070 is going to give a little bit more in all departments... IMO it's worth the extra $100.
I have some ability to play with placement. I plan to do that via your 2x4 idea. The wall mount polls will naturally point down once I permanently fix them to the wall, so that is good. They will need to be up by the ceiling as my front speakers are 6 feet tall and my tears are 4 feet tall.

I am glad I asked as now you have me starting in the opposite wiring of the backs as I would have started otherwise.

Thanks again for all your help.
I look forward to reading your demo/listening impressions!

Good luck!