
Use Alexa? I am such a Luddite that I still use disc players! :greengrin:

I do wonder how much my smartphone listens and targets ads to me. I do have a 10 y.o. automobile that uses voice prompts, but I always forget it is there and just manually adjust what I need. A/V Voice Command is going to be commonplace soon enough.
I agree @tesseract every TV seems to be coming with voice control these days. TiVo just released a Skill today for Alexa. It is the direction the world is going.
I agree on the disc players. Still prefer the "old fashioned" disc to streaming. Better quality all around. Plus, when I buy a movie on disc, I feel like I actually own it versus buying a streaming copy online. This just speaks to my age. I love allot of the new technologies, including all of the voice-controlled items because they remind me of the greatness of the sci-fi shows I watched as a kid. Everything from Star Trek to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now I get to live the sci-fi life. How glamorous!!