AV NIRVANA Announces Incredible JTR Speakers Captivator 118HT Subwoofer Giveaway Contest!

Your room is leaning pretty bad. Don't let that heavy sub fall on you.
Kinda looks like of the bad guy hideouts in the old Batman movies.
Fun, fun!

Have you been feeding it any movie material, Dennis?
That thing looks massive! :rubeyes:
Have you been feeding it any
movie material, Dennis?

Only music and TV viewing thus far. With TV the sub just hangs in the background ready to strike and reminding you it is there. Unobtrusive as a good sub should be.

Hanna is one of my favorite movie soundtracks, too, I'll have to give that Blu-ray a spin, soon.
I need a sub-woofer that weighs as much as my amp!
Would love to match this in my 7.4.2 system. I already have a JTR Captivator 1400 and would love this to be my matching pair!
Only music and TV viewing thus far. With TV the sub just hangs in the background ready to strike and reminding you it is there. Unobtrusive as a good sub should be.

Hanna is one of my favorite movie soundtracks, too, I'll have to give that Blu-ray a spin, soon.

Look forward to the review...and, yes, Hanna is a definite must when it comes challenging a subwoofer!
It will be nice to have a real subwoofer, with my Chanes - real speakers which i can afford!
I nicked this from the JTR Speakers Facebook page. Check it out!

My current system consist of PA monitor speakers for the LCR and diy subwoofer. This would be an awesome addition to my home theater.
I dislike my neighbours intensely!

I live across the road from the beach and believe with the right frequencies and with the place being built directly on the sand, I could turn it into an on the beach residency!
I have always craved a JTR subwoofer after Jim Wilsons review. This would be a nice upgrade from my RSL Speedwoofer.
currently don't own a sub. started with IMFmodel h, then built model S and then on to ADS twin sub/ sat. system. would love to put a sub back into my sound. al dickerson
I've been considering upgrading my current sub (SVS SB13 Ultra) because it leaves a bit to be desired in my 4300+ cu ft room, so I've been following many forums reading owners comments and also results from various GTGs. In my search, JTR subs are always rated very well, which has peeked my interest. I've been considering either a pair of Cap 118HTs or the Cap 1400s. Winning a Cap 118HT would solidify my choice! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!!!

L/R Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers with RAAL tweeter
CC Ascend Acoustics Horizon with RAAL tweeter
Surrounds Polk Audio RT2000p
SVS SB13 Ultra
Yamaha RX-A3040
Oppo BD103D
Nice system Jack... and welcome to AV NIRVANA!

I have been wanting to hear a pair of the Sierra Towers with the RAAL tweeters. If Ascend had not been out of stock when we had one of our previous speaker evaluations, I believe we would have landed a pair to evaluate. Maybe we will still get a chance to do so with one of our evaluations here at the new site.
Just about 1 month left on this contest!
Review will be in the can, soon. Then the Captivator 118 HT will be boxed up and ready to ship!
The JTR Speakers Captivator 118HT Subwoofer sould be an excellent upgrade with my actual system and by adding a second Subwoofer to my system.
I am pleasantly surprised to see a JTR sub in the giveaway! JTR has been my favorite brand since I moved mains to 228HT. Plain awesome!
I can't believe this is their home audio entry level sub. Amazing. Makes me curious about how the other ones perform!
Getting super close to LAST CALL on this Giveaway...!!!