Bass Hunters Episode 20: Aliens in 4K HDR and Lossless Dolby Atmos!

(March 9, 2024) On the latest episode of Bass Hunters, brought to you by our partners at Kaleidescape, Sutherland AV Marketing, and Ascendo, we complete our analysis of James Cameron's trifecta of 4K re-releases with Aliens. Due to launch on disc on March 12th, the film's low-end performance is somewhat of a mixed bag. Tune in and learn!

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Todd, I'm wondering if Aliens SE is any better, I had the SE on laserdisc and recall the sentry gun scene bass was awesome and that was 2 channel LPCM
That's a great question. I don't have access to it, unfortunately (unless that version is the same version as the original Blu-ray). I have to say, I'm a bit surprised - if not befuddled - by how different each of the three Cameron films present. When I think James Cameron, I think "picky." And perhaps that's a misperception, but there's a lack of attention to detail in True Lies and Aliens.

Maybe it's the era - cinemas certainly weren't as good, tech-wise, and most people were watching these films at home on a 27" Sony Triniton and a VHS player!
You're right, but there were some good theaters around but you had to seek them out. The 70mm 6 track releases were the best sounding, I believe all three of these had a 70mm release. I did see the Abyss in 70mm and recall it sounding really good, never had a chance to see the other two in that format though.

Not sure this is on your list at some point but I'd be interested in a Bass Hunters episode on Apocalypse Now Final Cut, they made a big deal about remastering it in "Sensual Sound" and supposedly has infrasonics down to 13 Hz.
Wouldn’t it be fun to travel back in time and experience films then, just to compare to what we have now? Aural memory is weird - we have the ability to remember distinct sounds, like a friends voice, but it’s difficult to remember fine details of sound.

Great call on Apocalypse Now FC. That will definitely get a look with some infrasonic specific episodes.
Wouldn’t it be fun to travel back in time and experience films then, just to compare to what we have now? Aural memory is weird - we have the ability to remember distinct sounds, like a friends voice, but it’s difficult to remember fine details of sound.
Yes, that would be fun and would be very interesting