CamillaDSP IIR format output?

This works here: Indent: 2 and no Minus in front of "names"
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Well that's contradictory, since the earlier posts highlighted the lack of "-" for a pipeline entry (indicating an entry in a list) as being an issue and something that did not conform to the CamillaDSP documentation.
One more wish:popcorn::
Could more Camilla Filters be enabled as EQs? I see these "Allow low/high shelf" buttons are not possible to select. Did I miss some option maybe?

Edit: Ah, I see: HS Q is probably high shelf...
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I have enabled shelf filters for target match with CamillaDSP.

Could more Camilla Filters be enabled as EQs?
I don't understand that question. You can choose any of the offered filters and configure them as you wish.
Found HS Q & LS Q:)...
REW is using "just" PK filters when clicking "Match response to target" but I see it leaves manually selected eg. "HS Q" valid.