John, I made many measurements to verify the accuracy of the values detected by the Component model function and I must say that it behaves quite well, even if sometimes it makes mistakes between the values that are detected by positioning the cursor on the graph and those calculated with said function . For example, I measured a 10uF non-electrolytic capacitor with 5% accuracy and the value calculated by the function was 12.3uF while the cursor detects 10.2uF. I also noticed that almost always the values of the series resistance of the paper capacitors or polyester is equal to 0.000 ohms, perhaps it is particularly generous in the evaluation of the series resistance.
Again for capacities, I noticed that under the values of 0.2uF the component model does not activate while on the cursor it continues to detect much smaller values, for example I measured a capacity of 12.1nF 0.625%.
As for the inductances it doesn't seem to have these limits, I measured an inductance of 1uH without particular problems.
I also carried out a test with a speaker and the model considers only the inductance of the moving coil excluding the values of the circuit oscillating on the cone's resonance frequency. This choice seems to me absolutely correct. I attach the tests I have carried out for any checks.
Thanks for the attention