Considering trying to properly align my subs with a MiniDSP 2x4

Wait, so you're saying your subs aren't being used when playing music? Are you sure?

It is definitely possible that your receiver is engaging a specific stereo configuration that sets your mains to large (thus eliminating sub output). That is configurable in the menu setting... probably exactly what's happening.
Are mains always suppose too be set too small....even during movie watching? If so why do avr’s default to large after running audyssey?
I fixed the subs, front mains were set as large on both systems. What a difference... aaaah! Still gonna use the mini dsp and rew too tune it best...
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Yeah... Audyssey is bad about setting the mains to Large... need to always set back to small and cross them over at least around 40-60Hz... I use 80Hz even on my ML that can handle lower, but the subs just do so much better of a job handling those frequencies, being as clean as the SB16-Ultras are.
Ya...and I have swapped out two avrs and moved one to another room in the past you can image I’ve been like...things just don’t sound right....I guess after moving things around a bit and running audyssey numerous times I forgot to check these things again.
So I have watched a YouTube video on MiniDsp and Rew for sub align and EQ twice now. Warming up for a possible run at this, this weekend (if my cables get here).

First question is in regard to sub gain matching. I do not plan on moving the actual subs....just taking readings at woofer.
What hertz are the test tones on the denon avr? All my subs are SVS 12NSD ported but two are too take reading from cylinders? Just slide mic between base plate and woofer? Does audessey need to be turned off while doing this?

Second question in regard to running sub align. What order should I align them? Worst reading with best reading and combine. Then add third sub and fourth sub. Or two best readings and combine, then add third and fourth?

As for the EQ part still don’t really understand the settings, or house curve process etc. but I guess will dwell into that more when I get there. What would be recommended to start with for these subs on the mini DSP range setting? The subs are rated at 23-270 hz?
Can not get REW to download for windows 10 PRO 64 me a JRE corrupted error. Strike that...I may have used the wrong link...I have it downloaded now.
Last edited: I'm completely confused on which plugin I need to download for the MiniDSP HD 2x4 to allign & EQ my four subs....
At this rate I don't know if I will ever figure this out...heck I cant even get things rolling :rofl2: I'm completely confused on which plugin I need to download for the MiniDSP HD 2x4 to allign & EQ my four subs....
At this rate I don't know if I will ever figure this out...heck I cant even get things rolling :rofl2:

Not the HD version right?
MiniDSP provides a link to @AustinJerry 's tutorial here: 2x4 Set-Up Guide Latest Version.pdf The plugin is specified in his tutorial. 4Way Advanced.

While you might choose an alternate method to align the subs and/or subs to mains, it's an excellent tutorial that will still add value IMHO.

When you
Ok, I can build computers but this device is a nightmare (MiniDSP HD). I apparently have the software on my pc and it opens. Yet with my pc connected to the MiniDSP by usb and it powered on I can not get the App too connect to the device. I would not be surprised if i have the wrong software even....they sure do not make this device user friendly to setup.
I am using windows 10 pro 64bit. Well after saying this and installing the USB driver 3 it works. :rolleyesno:
Ok, so i have my computer connected to the mini DSP HD by USB. Now I need to connect the mic. I assume i connect that too the computer also. Problem is I don't have two usb ports. I guess I will need a usb too hdmi cable. Also the line out i run from the computer headphone jack to the AVR....where do i plug it into the AVR?
Perhaps I don’t understand what you’re wanting to do but I can’t think of a reason why the minidsp and usb mic would need connected to the computer at the same time other than convenience.
Would a usb hub work if it is?
I oderwd a usb to hdmi so I can have both connected. But what do I plug the audio headphone out on the laptop too on the there an accessory 3.5 audio in ....not suppose to use the audyssey mic jack on the AVR are you?
If you’re measuring with REW then hdmi to the AVR, usb for mic and usb for minidsp is common.

If you use the analog out from the computer then you will need some kind of adapter to connect it to the AVR and it will need to go through an extra AD and DA conversions to get a signal to the sub through the LFE out connection. I am unsure if it would be a concern big concern though. Being unsure is why I would personally try to avoid it if possible.
If you’re only aligning the subs to each other and not to the mains then there’s a workaround available.

Can you post a link to the instruction video you’re using?
What am I doing wrong...
Why don't i hear the room sweeps?

These are some of the graphs it provided....One of each individual sub....and a combined with +.5 on each front.

