convolution using .cfg files sound messed up


Thread Starter
Jan 11, 2021
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Marantz 8802A
Main Amp
D-Sonic 5 channel amp
Additional Amp
NuPrime 8 channel amp
Marantz 8802A via HDMI or Oppo BD105 via USB
Computer Audio
Micro Zuma C.A.P.S
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Sony UBP X700 and Oppo BD105
Streaming Subscriptions
Amazon Prime & Netflix
Front Speakers
Anthony Gallo Ref 3.5
Center Channel Speaker
Anthony Gallo Strada
Surround Speakers
Anthony Gallo Strada
Surround Back Speakers
Anthony Gallo Strada
Front Height Speakers
Anthony Gallo A'Diva SE
Rear Height Speakers
Anthony Gallo A'Diva
2x Seaton Sound F2
Other Speakers
Synology NAS DS213
16:9 Stewart Filmscreen
Video Display Device
Sony Projector VWL-675ES

After a year plus of remodeling my media room I am able to start enjoying music and movies again. Today I brushed off my Audiolense skills and measured my room for 5.1 music. The measurements were successful and I created convolution filters for 44.1Khz to 352.8kHz. These files were created in .cfg and .wav formats. I then linked these new convolution files in JRiver version 29. Initially I linked them to the .cfg files as these switch automatically between sample rates whereas .wav files do not.

Any songs played through JRiver using those filters sounds all messed up. Out of sync and slowed down. When I link JRiver to the .wav files all seems good. I did notice that when linked to the .cfg files it shows 8 paths of processing whereas it shows 6 paths of processing when linked to the .wav files. JRiver is set up for 5.1 channels.

I am using Audiolense 6.17. All bass is sent to the subwoofer. I am using a Marantz 8802A processor linked to my pc with an HDMI cable. I have attached the .cfg files for reference. Maybe you are seeing something I am missing.

Thanks for reading.

sorry about that.
It appears that .cfg cannot be attached. I am trying it as a zipfile instead. Hopefully that works.

Happy New Year.



Hi JackT,

It seems like you are not using output 5 on your sound card. Is that correct? apart from that, the routing looks ok.

Also, you should try the low sampled version and check if that works as intended. If it does, the problem is related to the upsampling. When you upsample the filters in Audiolense, they become much shorter in the time domain ... same number of coefficients for a much higher sample rate. That can mess up things.

I'm late to the party so maybe you have sorted this out already?