Cool Accessory! - Passive in-ear device to cancel sound distortions caused by the shape of your ear.

Grayson Dere

Thread Starter
Dec 19, 2018
Bay Area, CA
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Integra DTR 7.8
Main Amp
Class D Audio: SDS-470CS
Additional Amp
Shellbrook Audio Hybrid Head headphone amp
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Sony UBP-X700
Streaming Subscriptions
Origin Live Aurora MKIII turntable
Front Speakers
Vandersteen Model 2
SVS PB-2000
Other Speakers
Grado SR 325is headphones
Elite Screen 120"
Video Display Device
I was recently made aware of a product made by the company Flare Audio called the 'Immerse.' It's a passive in-ear device that fits into the ear like an IEM that's supposed
to let the wearer hear sounds coming from either a speaker source or headphone minus the distortions caused by the shape of the ear. I've never really thought about the phenomenon
of sound waves crashing into my ear and bouncing around before arriving at the ear drum, but the Flare Audio website has some nice animations that show what happens. Has anyone experienced
the Immerse and can claim they actually work? The product's webpage displays a number of glowing reviews from professionals in the recording industry, so maybe it's true?

Flare Audio claims the shape of our ears "distorts sound by up to 20%, causing our brain to filter this distortion and resulting in a loss of detail between 2kHz and 8kHz." Perhaps the Immerse
can also tame audio fatigue that can possibly occur when our brains continuously work to filter out said audio distortion.

Also, "Immerse enables complete separation of sound, allowing you to pin-point exactly the sounds you want to focus on." It seems like this would be a great accessory for not only
enjoying your existing system but also for demo'ing possible audio equipment upgrades by allowing more critical listening abilities.

Just some food for thought right before the holiday around the corner :rolleyes:

Flare Audio - Immerse

Ooooo... I've never heard of this, but it looks super interesting. I might have to reach out to them!
What an interesting concept. I've never heard of this either but would love to give it a try to hear how it works!
Ooooo... I've never heard of this, but it looks super interesting. I might have to reach out to them!
Yah, pretty fascinating device. At $80/pair it also won't break the bank! :)
I wonder if it helps with tinnitus. :ponder:
Perhaps the Immerse can also tame audio fatigue that can possibly occur when our brains continuously work to filter out said audio distortion.
That would be rather surprising, since it'll just mess with how you've learned to localize sound your entire life. Even at 50 times the price, the Smyth Realiser, which basically does the opposite from this device, is kind of a bargain, because it actually does something really useful.
You have lized your whole life with the shape of your ear, and your brain has adapted to localize sounds with what are called Pinna (ear) Cues. Anything that messes with this is going to subtract, not add to your audio capabilities. Sounds like total snake oil to me.
Ooooo... I've never heard of this, but it looks super interesting. I might have to reach out to them!
Todd... you definitely need to review these... it could be interesting.
I don't know about sounds, but the hard 90 degree "turns" (3 of them) are a big no no for moving liquids and solids.