Discovering Ten Must-Own Dolby Atmos Discs Using Trinnov's Altitude 16 Processor Atmos Object Viewer!

Manufacturer & Model
Trinnov Altitude 16
Ten films and/or discs with reference Dolby Atmos demo scenes are discovered
In part one of our Trinnov Altitude 16 review, we use the platform's Dolby Atmos Object Viewer to find 10 incredible Dolby Atmos movies.

Today marks part one of a Trinnov Altitude 16 processor review. Part two is a more formal look at the user experience with the processor, while this one is all about the fun—specifically, Dolby Atmos immersive audio.

The Altitude 16 isn't a new piece of gear, but thanks to powerful software upgrades and modularity, it's managed to remain one of the world's most elite home theater processors. It's high-end across the board, both inside and out, and has features entirely unique to Trinnov's processor platform. One is the company's proprietary room correction software, which delivers the goods when it comes to sound quality and performance. Another is a Dolby Atmos Object Viewer.

The Object Viewer is very much akin to a codec x-ray machine – or, even better, a functional MRI, allowing owners to see precisely where Atmos audio objects are coded to exist and move within a given home theater room. And to up the ante, it does so in real time while a movie is being viewed. The Viewer itself is accessed in the Altitude 16's web UI and has quite a bit of flexibility in terms of how a room is viewed (both size and angle).

In full disclosure, I initially reached out to Trinnov with a review sample request specifically because of the Atmos Object Viewer. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to craft a list of ten titles or discs with dynamic metadata dictating Atmos audio objects' placement and movement.

But wait, don't all Atmos movies have this?

The truth is, no. Many titles carrying an Atmos designation were created with Atmos tools but only assign audio to fixed/stationary objects. This type of Atmos encode is called a "pre-print." Hence, my interest in taking a closer look at things to find reference demo scenes loaded with metadata that a processor or receiver will use to place and move audio objects around a room.

Do you have a favorite Atmos title? Let us know in the discussion below!


The following are links to most of the discs discussed in this video:

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Just got my Marantz AV10 setup and you are correct about the restriction. When DTS:X is detected your other surround options are limited just like with the AV8805A.
Though I'd let everyone know that the 4K Immerssive Audio disk release for Devotion finally happened in Holland. The EAN for this release is 9789493316478 (I'm not allowed to post links).

I agree that the Atmos soundtrack is a good one. The Auro 13.1 Soundtrack is very similar but a touch more agressive and in my setup makes the CH/VOG speakers contribute a lot to some of the fly overs so is even better for my setup (If you have wides it might be the other way round). This Dutch release is quite English friendly (Front cover and disc text are all English, back cover is Dutch with some English) and not only adds Atmos and Auro 13.1 soundtracks but a 20Mbit higher video bitrate. Compared to the Paramount 4K release this Dutch release is also using a lager UHD-100 disk (Instead of UHD-66).

@MusicManLen I think the DTS:X restriction is a Denon/Marantz thing rather than a technical or legal problem. Arcam allow DTS:X to be overridden with Auro 3D if you wish (But they do not offer DTS/Dolby cross-mixing except for stereo sources!).
@Krobar Thanks for the heads up on Devotion 4K with Auro3D & Atmos. It was released on Oct 31st 2023 but it is sold out on Amazon Netherlands.
I will keep a watch on this and see if it comes back in stock.

With regard to the Marantz DTS:X restriction with Auro 3D I may try to speak with someone at Marantz (high enough in the food chain) and see if a firmware update is a possibility in the future.