Dolby to start offering Dolby Vision projectors to non-Dolby Cinema theaters that are equipped with Atmos

This is the strangest news release. A better headline would have been:

The exclusive Dolby agreement to only allow AMC theaters to buy Dolby Vision projectors has expired, and now other companies who has ATMOS setups are allowed to buy Dolby Vision projectors and get DV assets for exhibition.

That being said, I am happy to see the prior restriction (in the US) lifted. It will be interesting to see whether more theater owners bite. Has Dolby ever release economic figures showing the increased ROI of spending more on a DV projector, and getting more profit even with that higher cost floor?
I don't think AMC is losing their Dolby Cinema exclusivity in the US yet, although it's possible, they have had exclusivity in the US for 10 years.

I think this is different, Dolby is offering the Dolby Vision projector outside of their Dolby Cinema certified theater worldwide.