DUNE Pt 2 - who has seen it?

Todd Anderson

Editor / Senior Partner
Thread Starter
Jan 20, 2017
Baltimore/Washington Metro
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StormAudio ISP.24 MK2
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Emotiva XPA-5
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Emotiva XPA Gen3 2.8 multichannel amp
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Denon X8500H
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AudioEngine A2+
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Kaleidescape TERRA
Panasonic UB9000
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iFi Audio Zen Blue
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GoldenEar Technology Triton One.R
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GoldenEar Technology SuperCenter Reference
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GoldenEar Invisa MPX
Surround Back Speakers
GoldenEar Invisa MPX
Front Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Front, Top Mid-Front)
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SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Middle, Top Rear)
Quad Array SVS SB16s
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Sony 65-inch A95L OLED
Sony 65-inch X900F
ZeroSurge 8R15W x 2
ZeroSurge 2R15W x 2
I’m super excited to see this film… Pt1 was amazing.

It now becomes a matter of getting myself to the nearest Dolby Cinema, which for me is over the Potomac River in Northern Virginia. The theaters near me are a bit of a mess… :sad:… and I refuse to subject myself to another commercial IMAX experience.

Did anyone catch it this weekend?
I will wait for the crowds to die down.. If you see it, let me know your thoughts.
I didn’t realize it opened already?!?
yes, the 25th!
Nice! I’m excited to see it. I don’t always go to Dolby Cinemas, but I will for this one.
I've heard that contrary to what I was told, part 2 does NOT start 30 minutes into part 1, despite the fact that's where we all fell asleep. ;)

Kris Deering and I have been talking about catching it at the recently reopened Cinerama in downtown Seattle. I saw Wonka there in December and that theater is perfection.


Wow... shots over the bow! You didn't like Pt1?
I didn't even know theaters still existed, but I did see an ad for Dune 2 on TV last night. I was not a fan of Part 1... hoping 2 will be better.
I think Pt1 is a state of mind film. It requires some brain energy to appreciate. And, Sonnie, not saying you don't have brain energy :neener:, but the first time I tried to watch it, I had to bail because my head was in the wrong space. Same thing happened with Interstellar. I actually walked out of the theater 1/2 through that one (for several reasons, one of which had to do with the attrocious IMAX experience).

Maybe give it another try? :innocent:
To give it a fair shot, that's exactly what I planned on doing... watching it again, as I've pretty much forgotten what little I may have remembered about it.

Do they make brain energy bars I can eat before watching it? :sarcastic:

You'll thank me later. (maybe)
Wow... shots over the bow! You didn't like Pt1?
I still need to finish it, which I will. I'm sure it's good, but it's very slow and deliberate, which if I'm not in the right frame of mind can put me to sleep very quickly. AND I'M NOT ALONE.

I own it, and I own the original movie as well. I just have to carve out time to rewatch before we go to part 2.
I've had to watch Part 1 several times just to wrap my head around it. Not sure I've ever seen it start to finish. Always bits and pieces put together to make a complete story.
Well I don't feel so ALONE right now. :sweat:
Now wait a second. We’ve got a sample of 4 here. We need a bigger subject pool… you might feel alone soon enough! :redgrin:
We have an example of a prestigious 4... a fab 4, a worthy 4... the four that count 4. :greengrin:
I thought Dune was fantastic! Ready for part deux.
I'd like to jump in the pool.... Am I # 6? . Hahaha. So I loved Dune! My wife even approved of it. Dune is the first and only time I can remember her ever saying she enjoyed a Sci-Fi movie and how great the picture looked. Cannot wait to see Dune-2!!!
Dolby Cinema is the only place to see movies now a days ;)

Although @Travis Ballstadt I'd love to check a move out at that cinerama theater, that looks really nice!
What?? Part 1 was great!!

If you need some motivation to experience it, here it is …

My wife thought part 1 was excellent. I thought it was OK. We watch using nvidea shield and Kodi. When is released on there, we'll watch it.
Todd, interested in what was your issue with IMAX?

I enjoyed Pt 1 by the way, although I did find it a bit slow.