DUNE Pt 2 - who has seen it?

Unfortunately where i live we don't have the luxury of Dolby cinema, there are 2 cinemas, but i feel the sound is better in my cheap home theatre,watched pt 1 on streaming, i enjoiyed it, now i'm having some work done in my theatre, and everything is out, will be a while before i can watch it again, hopefully it'll be worth it :T
I plan one re-watching the first one Sunday!
I'd like to watch it. Maybe the g/f and I will watch it whne she comes to visit.
I saw it and loved it, but that is coming from a Dune fan so certainly not unbiased. It's not perfect, but a great addition to the body of work around Dune and clearly made by someone who understood and appreciated the source material (Denis Villeneuve), even if he had to make difficult choices regarding what he could include in the movie.

As to the theater, I have to agree with the earlier comments regarding IMAX. I went to see it in IMAX since it was made for that format, but the experience wasn't what it could have been, primarily due to the sound in the theater I was at. While the visuals worked great on that large screen and in that aspect ratio, there was a frequency somewhere in the mid-range that was so piercing as to almost be painful at times. Definitely could use some room tuning (I'm looking at you Cinemark Lincoln Square in Bellevue WA).

But I still loved the movie and can't wait to get a second viewing in, probably at home.
I saw it and loved it, but that is coming from a Dune fan so certainly not unbiased. It's not perfect, but a great addition to the body of work around Dune and clearly made by someone who understood and appreciated the source material (Denis Villeneuve), even if he had to make difficult choices regarding what he could include in the movie.

As to the theater, I have to agree with the earlier comments regarding IMAX. I went to see it in IMAX since it was made for that format, but the experience wasn't what it could have been, primarily due to the sound in the theater I was at. While the visuals worked great on that large screen and in that aspect ratio, there was a frequency somewhere in the mid-range that was so piercing as to almost be painful at times. Definitely could use some room tuning (I'm looking at you Cinemark Lincoln Square in Bellevue WA).

But I still loved the movie and can't wait to get a second viewing in, probably at home.
Hey there Bellevue, WS here. We’re planning to go at the Cinerama next weekend, hopefully.
Todd, interested in what was your issue with IMAX?

I enjoyed Pt 1 by the way, although I did find it a bit slow.

There were two issues. One was ambient light. The AMC IMAX theater I was in had these big exit signs to the right and left of the screen that were dumping white light onto the screen. Not good for a movie that takes place in outer space. There was fairly dramatic washout.

The other issue was the overall level of sound. It was insanely loud. Too loud. Not sure what was going on, but someone had gotten a little overzealous with the volume knob!

Are you an IMAX fan?
I saw it and loved it, but that is coming from a Dune fan so certainly not unbiased. It's not perfect, but a great addition to the body of work around Dune and clearly made by someone who understood and appreciated the source material (Denis Villeneuve), even if he had to make difficult choices regarding what he could include in the movie.

As to the theater, I have to agree with the earlier comments regarding IMAX. I went to see it in IMAX since it was made for that format, but the experience wasn't what it could have been, primarily due to the sound in the theater I was at. While the visuals worked great on that large screen and in that aspect ratio, there was a frequency somewhere in the mid-range that was so piercing as to almost be painful at times. Definitely could use some room tuning (I'm looking at you Cinemark Lincoln Square in Bellevue WA).

But I still loved the movie and can't wait to get a second viewing in, probably at home.

This is the same audio experience the IMAX near me delivers. Audio quality, largely driven by exorbitantly high SPLs, is/was out of control... "piercing" and "painful" are perfect descriptors
I haven't had the wash-out issue in my local IMAX theatres...that is crazy & easily fixed with some light baffles.

The sound has been loud...but I wouldn't say any higher SPL than a Dolby theatre. Depends on the film, of course. I always take musicians earplugs and often wear them to moderate the levels without affecting tonal balance too much. I just got some Loop earplugs for movies and concerts...looking forward to trying them out vs the less expensive musicians earplugs from my local music store.

Another reason I usually prefer movies at home...I get to control the volume.
Yeah, you'd assume they would have some sort of light control, though my guess is fire code in our county (maybe State?) prevents it. Ridiculous considering that it's washing out the screen!
Unfortunately where i live we don't have the luxury of Dolby cinema, there are 2 cinemas, but i feel the sound is better in my cheap home theatre,watched pt 1 on streaming, i enjoiyed it, now i'm having some work done in my theatre, and everything is out, will be a while before i can watch it again, hopefully it'll be worth it :T

That's a shame... Dolby Cinemas are quite good. Significantly better than your typically commercial theater.
I finally watched Part 1 again, and for some reason, I somewhat enjoyed it. I did take time to pause it in the middle before taking a short nap, so I know I did not miss any of it. :dumbcrazy:

The end left me definitely wanting to see part 2. :yes:
Atta boy, Sonnie. Way to give it the ole Home Theater Enthusiast try. :redgrin:

I’m hoping to see Pt2 next week. Though, at this point l, I may just wait until April and watch it at home.
There were two issues. One was ambient light. The AMC IMAX theater I was in had these big exit signs to the right and left of the screen that were dumping white light onto the screen. Not good for a movie that takes place in outer space. There was fairly dramatic washout.

The other issue was the overall level of sound. It was insanely loud. Too loud. Not sure what was going on, but someone had gotten a little overzealous with the volume knob!

Are you an IMAX fan?
I'm not surprised about the Imax sound, they seem to mix their stuff really hot and it's not pleasant, that's why I won't go there anymore

Dolby Cinema all the way!
I saw Top Gun: Maverick at IMAX and it’s wasn’t good. So loud that it really ruined the experience. I’m done with IMAX as well.
Interesting that we all have the same reaction to it… when IMAX Enhanced was first launched, that insanely over the top presentation style was all I could think about.

Hardly seems like a selling point :gah:
Loud doesn't necessarily equal better. Most of my friends think I have 11 speakers and 2 subwoofers in my room because I want it louder in there. They aren't HT people and don't understand that it's not about loudness. I wonder if IMAX is catering to the larger crowd of people who think louder is better???
From my understanding IMAX uses Audyssey MultEQ XT32 to calibrate and tune their speakers, I assume it's some kind of professional version maybe tailored to IMAX but I don't think it's setting the levels or if it does it's not set to the Dolby/THX reference level.
From my understanding IMAX uses Audyssey MultEQ XT32 to calibrate and tune their speakers, I assume it's some kind of professional version maybe tailored to IMAX but I don't think it's setting the levels or if it does it's not set to the Dolby/THX reference level.
That's actually shocking to me, if true, that an organization like IMAX is using an off-the-shelf calibration product. Whatever they're using to calibrate, I'm guessing someone comes in and has it set perfectly, and then after corporate leaves, someone from the theater itself is taking it upon themselves to adjust the master volume, and screwing everything up.
That's actually shocking to me, if true, that an organization like IMAX is using an off-the-shelf calibration product. Whatever they're using to calibrate, I'm guessing someone comes in and has it set perfectly, and then after corporate leaves, someone from the theater itself is taking it upon themselves to adjust the master volume, and screwing everything up.
I think microphones are installed around the theater and it does a quick check/calibration everyday to make sure everything is working properly.

Oh and everything is monitored by IMAX corporate and they know if the theater mucks with the volume etc and will reachout asking why it was changed.
Part 1 was good....just a bit slow. Definitely not an action, blow it up, film. Waiting for part 2 to release on disc. Will watch at home.
I think I'll wait till it comes on streaming :T
Loud doesn't necessarily equal better. Most of my friends think I have 11 speakers and 2 subwoofers in my room because I want it louder in there. They aren't HT people and don't understand that it's not about loudness. I wonder if IMAX is catering to the larger crowd of people who think louder is better???
Yes, completely agree.
The only time I went to an IMAX theatre was during a trip to New York City years ago (2008), watched “Eagle Eye” with Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan and the sound was so loud I winced and cringed in my seat every time there was an action sequence. My wife covered her ears during the entire movie and sweared she would never see a movie at an IMAX theatre ever again.
We have one IMAX room in the area and I have yet to decide how I will watch Dune 2, do I try it in IMAX or watch it in my local cinema with laser projection/atmos. Need to see Dune 2 before Wednesday as that is when Godzilla x Kong will take over the premium screening rooms here in France.
That's actually shocking to me, if true, that an organization like IMAX is using an off-the-shelf calibration product. Whatever they're using to calibrate, I'm guessing someone comes in and has it set perfectly, and then after corporate leaves, someone from the theater itself is taking it upon themselves to adjust the master volume, and screwing everything up.
I *hope* that's the case because every commercial cinema IMAX film I've seen sounds as if it's been tuned by a 10 year old on a mission to shred ears!