Equalizer APO stopped working, nothing can fix it

Marcus Aseth

New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 22, 2022
Front Speakers
Kali LP6 v2
(I'm sorry if this is the wrong section, but I couldn't find a more suitable one, if there is, hope the mod can move the topic there)
Today Equalizer APO stopped working, I've tried all the "fixes" at this link https://www.electronicshub.org/equalizer-apo-not-working/ and nothing worked.
I don't know what else to try and I'm desperate need of help because my setup destroys my hearing without the proper EQ :(
Additional Info: I'm using Windows 10
Please guys, help me get it working again :(
I have no choice but to try with a different software, I'm going to try Peace - I'm using the software only to add EQ filters made in REW to my speakers, regarding this usage there is any drawback to the software compared to Equalizer APO (when it works) ?
Edit: nevermind, seems that's only an extension for Equalizer APO...
Why don't you try to give us something to work with?
Why don't you try to give us something to work with?
I'm not knowledgeable enough in this field to know what information can be useful in solving this.
But I'm open to answer any question.
As I've mentioned, I'm running Equalizer APO (1.3) on Windows 10 (with latest updates)
I haven't touched Equalizer APO in months and it had been working all along for all this time, then suddenly yesterday it stopped working. Any change I make in it doesn't affect the sound anymore.
I could tell it had stopped working because I have some 7-9db peaks that I kill through the EQ Filters, so if Equalizer APO stops working and I listen to medium-high volume to something, that peaks would make the hearing uncomfortable and nearing painful, therefore as soon as I've experienced that, I've measured with REW enabling and disabling a -15db Preamp filter in EQualizer APO, and REW would always detect the same db level (and my hears too), so I'm sure is not working.
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It's working again now o_o No idea what did it though, if the latest windows update, various more uninstall and reinstall, or a procedure I've found online about deleting a register key.
Anyway, solved :)