Escape from L.A. - 4K Blu-ray Review

Michael Scott

Partner / Reviewer
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha TRS-7850 Atmos Receiver
Other Amp
Peavy IPR 3000 for subs
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB820 4K UHD Player
Front Speakers
Cheap Thrills Mains
Center Channel Speaker
Cheap Thrills Center
Surround Speakers
Volt 10 Surrounds
Surround Back Speakers
Volt 10 Rear Surrounds
Rear Height Speakers
Volt 6 Overheads
2x Marty subs (full size with SI 18's)
Video Display Device
Sony 85 inch X950H FALD TV
Escape from L.A.

Movie: :2.5stars:
4K Video: :4.5stars:
Extras: :halfstar:
Final Score: :3.5stars:


After 2020's release of Escape from L.A. I figured that this was the best the film would get being that it's considered one of John Carpenter's weaker films. But I guess Paramount decided to up the ante a bit with a new 4K disc (most likely sourced from the same 4k Master that Scream Factory used for the Collector's Edition Blu-ray from 2020, reviewed HERE) to bring it into the next generation of video.

1981’s Escape From New York is highly regarded as one of John Carpenter’s most iconic action films, blending spaghetti western tropes in with Mad Max esque visuals. And of course adding in a little Kurt Russell at the top of his game. However, 1996’s Escape From L.A. is hailed as one of his worst films, and a severe dive bomb for the director, who would start petering out right around the turn of the century as a go to director. The film has gained a rather cult following over the last 24 years, and is firmly in the “love it or hate it” category for most people. Usually there is no middle ground, and I was adamantly one of the biggest haters of the film when I saw it as a teenager in the 90s. But over the years I’ve softened up to the big goofy satire and kind of enjoy it as a cheesy bit of 90s cheese. It’s nowhere near as fun as the original, but it has kitschy 90s charm to it that’s kind of intoxicating.

It’s been 15 years since Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) saved the fascist-theocratic futuristic United States, and he’s back once more as the government has need of the lone gunslinger. The President’s (Cliff Robertson) daughter Utopia (A.J. Langer) has defied his fascist decrees and stolen a black box containing a super weapon device that could obliterate the entire world’s technology, and taken it to the island prison of Los Angeles, where the worst of the worst criminals reside. Without this black box, the madman President has no way of controlling his hose of super weapon satellites, and he needs it back, badly.

Snake Plissken, legendary gunslinger and rebellious soldier, is taken into custody and given a deal. Go into Los Angeles, get the black box, kill the president’s seditious daughter, and all his “crimes” will be pardoned. Easy, right? Well, as usual not so much. Plissken has to dodge the gunfire of rogue criminals, get in and out from under the nose of gangster Cuervo Jones (Georges Corroface), and get back before a specially ingested super virus kills him in the next 24 hours. Fun, right?

Escape From L.A. is pure pulpy fun. It takes the slightly satirical nature of Escape from New York and just makes it goofy to the extreme. I mean, we have Kurt Russell and Peter Fonda SURFING down Los Angeles, Bruce Campbell making an appearance as a crazy plastic surgeon gone nuts, adds in a dash of Cubano “La Raza!”, and hits the frappe button. Nothing is safe, nothing is sane, and the movie has a problem with relying very heavily on 90s CGI, obvious green screen, and some pretty cheesy prosthetics.

It’s not high art, but John Carpenter is still blending a spaghetti western with post apocalyptic Mad Max style visuals for a weirdly satisfying treat. Most of the problems stem from the fact that lightning has hard time striking twice, and it’s been 15 years since the original. Carpenter was already winding down from being the legendary director he once was (pretty much ending his career with Ghosts of Mars a few years later) and even the tough as nails Kurt Russell can’t make it into something it’s not. Luckily Russell is the saving grace of the film, infusing that hard hitting “Clint Eastwood” like character in Snake, and making it rise above the C level script that the rest of the film is. It’s fun enough, but definitely one of those “love it or hate it” films.


Rated R for violence and some language

Video: :4.5stars:
Being the 3rd high def transfer of the film over it’s lifespan, it’s interesting to compare the 3 different versions. The 2010 Blu-ray was a NASTY little encode with smeary darks, low details, and a generally “meh” look all around. Scream Factory’s 2020 4K remaster looked INCREDIBLE, and was literally a night and day difference. Paramount seems to have used the same master for this 4K UHD disc, as the two recent discs are very very similar, and both blow the 2010 disc out of the water. But don’t think that Scream and the 4K UHD disc are neck and neck, the 4K UHD disc is distinctly superior, with rich inky blacks that show off great grain structure and wonderful details, to the enhanced colors from the HDR and Dolby Vision (being that this is a dark movie, I give the edge to the Dolby Vision presentation, as it handles those blacks just a little bit better). Whites are no longer creamy and milky, and the special effects (as fake as they will ALWAYS look) still looks good in 4K resolution.

There’s some print blemishes and debris that has been cleaned up, and there is no sign of DNR either. Honestly, this is the best the film has ever looked and is a MASSIVE improvement over the 2010 Paramount Blu-ray, and a very solid upgrade over the Scream Factory remaster.


I'm not sure whether Shout Factory and Paramount shared the same 5.1 DTS-HD MA track, but they sound remarkably similar.I'm GUESSING that Paramount presented Shout with the track already mixed and Shout either encoded it and tossed it on the disc, as the two tracks are very very similar, and definitely loads better than the old 5.1 Dolby TrueHD track found on the 12 year old 2010 Paramount Blu-ray. The track isn't exactly Transformers style powerful, but it's rich and full with the twangy sounds of the wold west guitars, and the gravely crunch of the 90s metal track infused in. Gunfire is solid with great surround replication as bullets bounce off targets, and dialog is crystal clear. The only "annoyance" is one that has plagued the movie ever since the VHS days (my first introduction to the film), and that is the ever so slight lip sync issue that seems to be part of the over dub process. it's VERY slight, but if you have a larger screen (like the 85 incher I'm viewing on) then you can pick out the slight delay on Steve Buscemi's voice, or Stacy Keach's imperceptable delay. Again, this has been on the Dolby TrueHD track and the Shout Factory Blu-ray, so I'm guessing this one was an artifact of the original source elements.

I didn't hear it at first, but after having it pointed out I can't unhear it. There's a weird error with the dialog bleeding into the surrounds. It's not huge, and I originally attributed it to just my small viewing room, but once you hear it.........well, you know the rest. According to sources Paramount has confirmed the issue and will be replacing the discs in some form in the future

Extras: :halfstar:
• Theatrical Trailer

Final Score: :3.5stars:

You can tell that John Carpenter was just having fun with the post apocalyptic world that he created. He’s sitting there dreaming up new ways to torture Snake, and more high tech gadgetry is thrown at the man than ever before. It’s a goof fest to the extreme, and you can just see Carpenter sitting in the director’s chair with a grin on his face yelling “let’s make this even crazier!” during every take. Love it or hate it, Escape from L.A. certainly looks great in 4K. HOWEVER, this package does come with one downside. That is the lack of extras. Like the sub par 2010 Blu-ray, this only comes with 1 single theatrical trailer as an extra, forgoing the massive extras that Scream Factory loaded onto the Collector's Edition once more. Meaning if you have that Blu-ray already, the real appeal will be from the video uptick, and I'd definitely hold onto that set just for those features alone. It's not Paramount's fault as the original 2010 Paramount Blu-ray was barebones too, and Shout Factory has the exclusive rights to many of those additional features, it's just a bit saddening that Paramount hasn't upgrade that feature as well all things considering. Give and take, give and take.

Technical Specifications:

Starring: Kurt Russell, Steve Buscemi, Stacy Keach, Peter Fonda, Cliff Robertson, Valeria Golino, Pam Grier, Bruce Campbell
Directed by: John Carpenter
Written by: John Carpenter, Debra Hill, Kurt Russell
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1 HEVC
Audio: English: DTS-HD MA 5.1, French, German, Spanish DD 5.1
Subtitles: English SDH, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish
Studio: Paramount
Rated: R
Runtime: 101 minutes
Blu-ray Release Date: February 22nd, 2022

Recommendation: Worth Checking Out

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I feel like I'm the only person on earth that doesn't like Kurt Russel's work (or John Carpenter... save for the fact that Halloween is one of my favorites).

Mike, did you happen to note the dialog bleeding into the surround channels? I believe @Ralph Potts reported this issue on Twitter. As for the lipsync issue, that would drive me INSANE! I'm a big-time stickler when it comes to details like that. Sadly, so. :justdontknow:
I feel like I'm the only person on earth that doesn't like Kurt Russel's work (or John Carpenter... save for the fact that Halloween is one of my favorites).

Mike, did you happen to note the dialog bleeding into the surround channels? I believe @Ralph Potts reported this issue on Twitter. As for the lipsync issue, that would drive me INSANE! I'm a big-time stickler when it comes to details like that. Sadly, so. :justdontknow:

not liking Kurt Russell OR Carpenter's work? Are we sure you're human Todd? :D

I didn't hear the dialog bleed, but going back and putting the disc in I can kind of hear what he's talking about if I listen for it.

as for the lip sync, it's weird and an artifact from the ADR it seems. Steve Buscemi is the most notable, with Stacy Keach right behind. Yet most everybody esle is normal. I checked on the old DVD I had, the Scream Disc, and the 4K and they all have it... It's not noticeable until you get onto a REALLY large screen though, but it's a weird artifact lol
not liking Kurt Russell OR Carpenter's work? Are we sure you're human Todd? :greengrin:

I didn't hear the dialog bleed, but going back and putting the disc in I can kind of hear what he's talking about if I listen for it.

as for the lip sync, it's weird and an artifact from the ADR it seems. Steve Buscemi is the most notable, with Stacy Keach right behind. Yet most everybody esle is normal. I checked on the old DVD I had, the Scream Disc, and the 4K and they all have it... It's not noticeable until you get onto a REALLY large screen though, but it's a weird artifact lol

No, not entirely sure. I think there's a decent shot I was injected into this crazy world from a distant galaxy :dizzy:. I guess I technically like Carpenter... but I can't think of a Kurt Russel movie that I like?

Strange stuff on the audio side. Seems like they should have corrected the issues!
No, not entirely sure. I think there's a decent shot I was injected into this crazy world from a distant galaxy :dizzy:. I guess I technically like Carpenter... but I can't think of a Kurt Russel movie that I like?

Strange stuff on the audio side. Seems like they should have corrected the issues!

wait, so you're telling me you don't like Big Trouble in Little China.... I'm not sure I can take the answer....
Ok. Since you admitted to having never seen..... (can't remember the name of the movie)... I'll have to admit, I've never seen BTiLC! :hide:
No, not entirely sure. I think there's a decent shot I was injected into this crazy world from a distant galaxy :dizzy:. I guess I technically like Carpenter... but I can't think of a Kurt Russel movie that I like?

He was awesome as Herb Brooks in Miracle. If you tell me you don’t like that film I may just disown you Todd!
And yes, Bid Trouble in Little China was a good movie too. :T
He was awesome as Herb Brooks in Miracle. If you tell me you don’t like that film I may just disown you Todd!

That's true. I did enjoy Miracle, and he played a good part.
I also liked him in Deep Water Horizon.