Florida Audio Expo 2019

Why do they do this in Tampa?
It has an international airport and it's a 2-5 hours drive from: Miami/SoFL, Orlando/CenFL, Jacksonville/NoFL and most importantly, Sonnies house in AL.
The latter being the primary decisive factor.
It has an international airport and it's a 2-5 hours drive from: Miami/SoFL, Orlando/CenFL, Jacksonville/NoFL and most importantly, Sonnies house in AL.
The latter being the primary decisive factor.
Cheers. Soonie is the guy who runs it or am I missing a joke? :o)
Yeah... he is being funny for sure. I don't have anything to do with it... but I definitely want to go this next time around. I just couldn't work it out last time because it was right after our gun show that I had to go to in Reno, NV, but I am going to try to make it a point next time. I won't have to attend the gun show this next time around, so it should work out for me.
I am going to try to make it a point next time. I won't have to attend the gun show this next time around, so it should work out for me.
Cool, hope to see you there sir.
ML had their top of line there this year, not sure what they are bringing Feb
Hi J,

Yes, as 1/4 show owner I'm also a sponsor.
Make sure to drop by and say hi.
Hope Sonnie can escape Bama and come down. We'll see.

Timing is off. I am going to Reno for our gun show on the 27th, and then going to a show over in Savannah Georgia on Feb 9th. I can't be gone from the shop that many days in a row. It's already going to make me be way behind. If it were later in Feb... or first part of March, it would probably work.
So we need to turn it into a Guns 'n Audio show for you?
Ok, fine, we'll have fun without you.
lol... well... guns is my livelihood now, so it is a priority, although I can ASSURE you that audio shows are MUCH more fun. A gun show is work. The first few were fun... the last dozen or so have been all work. It's no longer fun. Never experienced work or stress at an audio show.
Nope, still free admission for anyone. The registration website shouldn't say "sold out", but alas...
Contacting them now. It does appear there are >1000 registrations for each day (limit should have been set much higher), which means it will probably be a little more crowded than last year...but spread over 12 floors 66 rooms.
Welcome, Rm 613. See you there.

p.s. Not sure if you've been to shows before, but I generally advise if/when you get an elevator, take to 12th (top floor exhibits), then walk down stairs on each floor.
JStewart, nice meeting you, hope you enjoyed the show.
Thanks AJ. The show was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed it and the folks there.
I thought you had one of the better sounding rooms. Articulate bass and good soundstage. Which model was that again? I have a pic but couldn’t spot it on your website.
Your tip of starting at the top floor and walking down was much appreciated. Thanks again!
Thinking about a second day there next year. Afterward I really felt like the one day wasn’t enough to do it justice.
Glad you enjoyed and will be back next year...which might be 80 rooms and a marketplace if all goes well (depends on hotel, not us). So yes, 2 days might help.
Those 2 models you heard aren't on website yet. A passive version of the small on is (WT1), the big one is a way scaled down version of my 1812s. As Murphys Law would have it, my friend/photographer who would have shot pics of speakers and show, came down with the flu on Thurs, missed the whole thing.
See you next year.
It must be the room...

Listened to the Magico M6 spinning Dark Side of the Moon on a system where the price of the equipment rack alone likely exceeds my lifetime spending on this hobby and it was not good. My buddy and I both had the same reaction and comments. Muddy bass and not a balanced response. We actually got up and left the room.
Huge disappointment as we really wanted to hear these things shine and I’m sure they can. In fact one of the best ever audio moments I’ve experienced was with a pair of Magico 2 ways set up really well in a room much larger than this one.


In this same room last year was a pair of Martin Logan top of the line Neoliths that were underwhelming.

That’s why I’m thinking it’s gotta be that room.

Maybe changing the carpet will help. It’s hideous.