Get Out - Blu-ray Review

Wife and I saw it last night and we loved it. It was enjoyable from start to finish. I want to watch it again simply because these types of films get better the more you watch it. You'll find yourself saying...ahh that's why this happened or that's why that was said and so on. I'm glad I bought it. Thanks for the review!
I watched it again this weekend, too. Definitely one that holds up after the first viewing. I found myself having "Ah ha!" and "Huh! That's pretty cool!" moments throughout as I understood the weird behaviors this go around, especially at the garden party.

I'm also glad they included the alternate ending in the bonus features. It was interesting to see what route they could have taken, but ultimately I liked the theatrical ending better.
yeah, the alternate ending was cool. I like the regular one better, but it was a fun little "what might have been" for sure
Right before the theatrical version ended I thought it was predictable. It's crazy because I was thinking that what happened with the alternate ending was what would happen. I'm glad they didn't go that route. I enjoyed the theatrical version much better.
Right before the theatrical version ended I thought it was predictable. It's crazy because I was thinking that what happened with the alternate ending was what would happen. I'm glad they didn't go that route. I enjoyed the theatrical version much better.

exactly why I loved the theatrical one better
The theatrical ending part had me laughing when his....made the comment to him. Sorry I was looking for a spoiler tag and don't want to ruin it with more info.