Getting back into REW - finally setting up my home studio


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Apr 2, 2024
Computer Audio
Lynx Hilo
Front Speakers
Dynaudio BM5A
Hey all, I'm finally getting around to seriously setting up my studio. I've had my GIK Acoustics sound panels for years and had them setup in my old place. I never really got the hang of REW but used it. Fast forward to now and I'm in a new house with a full basement. It's dimensions are W 12 1/2' x L 40 3/4' x 6 5/8' (Drop ceilings). I measured the room, in the listening position equal distance from the speakers, untreated. Then i measured the room with the acoustic panels added but in phases so I see can the progression. I have 6 GIK 242s (2' x 4' and 2" thick with an air gap),2 x 244s (4" think with air gap), 4 x tri corner bass traps and 2 x 7" monster bass traps.
What's interesting is that there seems to be more dips in certain frequencies after adding panels. The spectrograph does show low/mid bass not having as much SPL after treatment.
My plan is to get as good as I can get with the room and finish off the rest with Dirac Live (which I was using last year before I moved my setup down to the basement). Wondering if anybody can offer any insight if I was to share my REW measurements and pictures of my setup.

Thanks all!
It is hard to tell ... have you had before and after measurement, and how about the ceiling any treatment there?
Hi! Thanks for responding! I do have before and after measurements! They're all in this google drive folder. There are a Before (Untreated) and After (Treated) folders. There is also a Room Pics folder with pictures of the room and a text file with dimensions and sound panel setup.
No I don't have ceiling treatment yet and was thinking of getting 2 x GIK 2" ceiling panels to replace the two panels in the picture marked with green frog tape.

Thank you!!!

I can't post a link google drive yet. I will attach the files here.

Room dimensions:
W 12 1/2' x L 40 3/4' x H 6 5/8'

From from of the room to back:
Left and Right corners: GIK Tri Corners (Green)
Left and Right 1st and 2nd reflections: 2 GIK 242 Panels (Burgundy?)
Left and Right arbitrary placement: 1 GIK 242 Panel (Burgundy?)
Left and Right arbitrary placement: 1 GIK 244 Panel (Green)
Center of back wall: 2 GIK 7” Monster traps (Burgundy?)
Back wall Left and Right corners: GIK Tri Corners (Green)


  • L untreated Apr 2.mdat
    L untreated Apr 2.mdat
    1.8 MB · Views: 47
  • R untreated Apr 2.mdat
    R untreated Apr 2.mdat
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  • L Setup 1.C Apr 2.mdat
    L Setup 1.C Apr 2.mdat
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  • R Setup 1.C Apr 2.mdat
    R Setup 1.C Apr 2.mdat
    1.8 MB · Views: 47
  • Back of Room - Back Wall.jpg
    Back of Room - Back Wall.jpg
    233.6 KB · Views: 32
  • Front of Room.jpg
    Front of Room.jpg
    305.3 KB · Views: 37
  • Middle Front of Room.jpg
    Middle Front of Room.jpg
    285.2 KB · Views: 39
Nice setup ... Looking at your before and after files, there is a peak at 90HZ and 176 HZ!! The room may sound a bit BOOMY. The highs are too low -6 dB compared to the over all graph. Don't worry about the dips. It is the room however the peaks are easier to control. Do you use a DSP? if so try to target those peaks and remeasure.
I would separate the sound panels 1 foot if not more a part to get a better effect. I don't see any absorbers, you really need to have them in between each sound panels. That might help a lot.
Oh cool thank you so much for looking at the measurements! So the highs dipping, I shouldn't worry about that? And you're saying peaks at 90hz and 176 hz are easy to control... with DSP? Or DSP can handle the dips too? I used to run Dirac Live speaker calibration. I'm waiting to use it until I can get my room as good as I can.
Ok thanks for the suggestion on the spacing of the sound panels. Are absorbers different than what I have? The GIKs 242 and 244 are considered absorption panels.

Thank you so much!
Well I meant to say DIFFUSORS not absorbers, off course you have may absorbers, and it is best to alternate between absorber and diffusers. Perhaps for now you could separate the absorbers a part to kind of simulate the diffusors in between them.
If you have a DSP, you could handle the peaks and somehow the dips. or PEQ (Parametric EQ) can also help there. If you could measure again after all the fixes and share the results.
Right on! Im gonna move the side reflection panels so they're spaced out a little more and then measure. Then I'll setup my room correction EQ with Dirac Live and measure again. I should have some time next week. I'll report back. Thank you so much !
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Oh right on thanks for the link! Yeah I've since moved the corner traps off the floor but they're on top of cinder blocks. I have to custom make some 2 to 2.5 ft corner traps to stack on top of existing ones.