Having an Issue with my SVS PC NSD12 Sub

You want all of the speakers and subs to be at about 75db using the Denon test tones ... go to the Levels setting and it will play the test tones for each speaker. You should be able to set the volume no your subs to about 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock... then use the levels in the Denon to adjust the level to 75db.

Some will like their sub a few db hotter than all the other speakers. Bump up the volume on the subs while playing some music and stop where you like it. I sometimes have to adjust my sub volume in the Denon (coded into my remote) on different program material, different songs, etc. Bass is all over the place with various material.

Consider REW too... you really need to see what's going on with your bass in your room anyway.
Not sure what is going on? Basically the sub is not powering on most of the time, and when it is it does not appear to be putting out bass.
At first I though maybe one of the outlets in the room was out, but I changed outlets and still issue. The green power light doesn't stay on.
What could the issue be? Amp blown, some sort of fuse blown?

Hey @phillihp23 , I seem to be having the same issue with my subwoofer. Did you manage to figure out the problem with yours?
Hey @phillihp23 , I seem to be having the same issue with my subwoofer. Did you manage to figure out the problem with yours?

Not really. I assume the amp is dead. The sub has just been sitting there unplugged as it won’t even power on.Thanks for bringing it up. I need to buy a new amp for it …. A room with 3 corner amps just ain’t right.
Well I finally got around too dealing with my sub issue. Contacted SVS and they advised I change out the fuse. Sure enough the fuse was blown. Simple fix for a buck. The amp still doesn’t operate correctly…once turned on it continuously makes rumbling without any input at all. SVS advised the amp is likely bad. They set a replacement amp up too ship out to me. All communication with SVS were prompt (within 24 hrs from contact) and professional. They kindly and without question took care of me even though the subwoofer was a couple years past warranty. Their stellar reputation just continues into the far off future.