Help asap please with Axiom vp180 center speaker?


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 14, 2017
Main Amp
Denon AVR X4200W
Additional Amp
Parasound HCA 1500A
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Oppo 103D
Streaming Subscriptions
Panamax M5300 PM, Monster HTS 3600
Front Speakers
SVS Prime Towers
Center Channel Speaker
SVS Prime
Surround Speakers
SVS Prime Satellites
Front Height Speakers
Rear Height Speakers
Dual Kreisel DXD 12012, PSA S3000i
Video Display Device
Samsung PNF8500
Remote Control
Harmony Ultra
The speaker is custom ordered with bi amped bi wired connections. I want to replace my SVS Pime Center speaker that currently uses 12g wire. My question is will I be able to use a bi amped bi wired speaker with my Denon avr x4200w receiver?
After a quick look it does not look like you can biamp your cneter channel. You can Biamp your L/R channels only. But you do have a preout for your center channel. So you could "biamp," from there using a 2 channel external amp.
After a quick look it does not look like you can biamp your cneter channel. You can Biamp your L/R channels only. But you do have a preout for your center channel. So you could "biamp," from there using a 2 channel external amp.
I dont think I explained well or asked the right way sorry. What I am saying is the Axiom speaker i plan on getting comes with bi amped bi wired connections but can i still connect it the normal standard way even though it has those connections?
It looks from the spec to be a 3-way design with crossovers at 150 Hz and 2.4 kHz... As long as this "custom" bi connection arrangement manages the crossovers correctly you should be able to "jumper" the bi connections together and run a single center channel signal out as normal...

I would imagine that some documentation would come with the "custom" bi connection regarding how to "wire" or "jumper" correctly...
It looks from the spec to be a 3-way design with crossovers at 150 Hz and 2.4 kHz... As long as this "custom" bi connection arrangement manages the crossovers correctly you should be able to "jumper" the bi connections together and run a single center channel signal out as normal...

I would imagine that some documentation would come with the "custom" bi connection regarding how to "wire" or "jumper" correctly...
Thanks. If I buy the vp180 i would have to use it with my SVS Prime towers for awhile at least. The matching however will be bad correct?
I am not sure what you mean by "matching"... If you are talking about the "voicing" of the two different manufactures, you never know until you hear it... If you are talking about efficiency and sensitivity... Again, you never know until you hear it... REW can help with "seeing" what is going on and how you might adjust your "system" for your newest additions...
It should work fine, just strap the terminals together with the center channel output fo your Denon. Bi-amping does not really add much unless you remove the passive crossover and throw in something like a miniDSP 2x4 HD and more amps - have run that experiment many times.