Help me decide please?

Just thought I'd chime in here on your graph results. Your parameters are far too stretched for you to actually see what is going on. You should only have around a 60dB from top to bottom on your Y-axis (Eg.: +45 to +105 dB) and then I would just use the normal 10 to 20,000 Hz on the X-axis. Also, your smoothing of 1/6th for me hides too much. I would typically use 1/24th or 1/12th at max. This obviously won't give you your straight line, but why play the game if you just want to hold all the aces.
By the way, how are those SVS subs? I love the look of them and watch a lot of their online Thursday "happy hour" shows. Great bunch of guys that work there. I was looking at the sealed 3000 model for my HT but was reading that some owners of SVS were having issues with the amps failing.