I ran into similar graphs yesterday on a new Dell XPS 13 laptop using a UMIK-1. Spent about half a day troubleshooting something "broken" in my system until I went back to a very old MBP and it measured correctly. Something is very broken with this XPS laptop and the UMIK-1 using Java drivers.
I set-up a small test with a powered speaker this morning and the mic about a meter in front of it. Went to work getting asio4all functional in REW with the UMIK-1. That was the "secret sauce" to getting a measurement. Exact same audio chain in the attached, Blue is Java driver and Orange is asio4all. The measurements up beyond 200hz were roughly the same.
This may not be, probably isn't, the OPs problem but I decided to post here because of the similarities in the strange measurements of REW being practically "deaf" to low frequencies. Anywhooo.... hope it helps someone.