Hundreds of your Warner Bros DVDs probably don’t work anymore

I am sticking to ripping to hdds....the money I save can pay for a lot of more important thjngs. Good luck to everyone who has Kaleidescape and I hope they do not go under or that the Movie studios decide no more Kaleidescape.
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Yeah, you’ve gotta have a player that’s been approved. They run in the $120-$160 range if memory serves.

I tried to save by buying a player used… sold as working but no power cord. By the time I sourced a cord, months had passed. Of course, that player never worked.

Should have stuck with a new player!
Is the Streaming Audio up to the level / standards as what's available on Blu-ray?
Technically speaking, no. But it varies from quite good to not so good, and there’s a lot of factors that impact that.

I don’t think we’re far off from some incredible streaming experiences tho. Just look at tech like Auro-CX. Once things like that take hold, physical media will have met its match!