Hurricane IRMA

Hey Florida members: this looks like a super dangerous one. Hope you and your loved ones can get out of its path and stay safe!

Wow. Hard to believe the US might be in line for a serious 1-2 punch.

With more lined up behind it... This is a major incident!

I cannot imagine what you are all going through with a storm of this size. Again, keep safe and look after your loved ones!
For those of you who are in Florida, hope you are all safe..

Looks like the hurricane is doing a lot of damage according to the news video's.
It always amazes me that regardless of the media reports and warnings from government etc some people still refuse to leave. There was a CNN report on Friday where the reporter was a a bar/restaurant located on the south tip of Florida. He was back at the same site yesterday and it was destroyed, the only thing left standing was the main grass roof and the storm surge had not come through yet.
I guess it is the same folks who enjoy taking risks, doing all those stunts, surfing in hurricane waters, etc.. Thrill seekers..
And hurricane Jose getting ready to do something.
Luckily Jose is weakening.. Possibly will be a tropical storm or at the very least cat 1 storm..
We escaped Irma without any damage around here... we were fortunate.
Ouch, Florida got pounded pretty hard. We're thinking about you folks down there.

In western North Carolina, close to Asheville, we had a couple days of steady rain and a few wind gusts, nothing to be concerned about. The sun is sure welcome today, though.