Is DRC so powerfull it makes speakers below $30.000 virtually the same?
The past 15years I've wanted to upgrade my B&W604s2 speakers. I found them tireing to listen to and muddy with complex music enough to turn me off critical listening. My amp is a Denon AVR3805.
My room is very bad. It is an attic where the front wall, side wall and rear wall are all slanted at 47 degrees, while the right wall is vertical at the speaker position and open to the kitchen at the listening position. The bottom 60cm or 2' walls are vertical parallel walls This creates room modes in the bottom 60cm and very uneven reflections from there up. I have not upgraded my speakers as I expected my room to smother any speaker investment. Instead I built a lot of bass traps to control the bass and waited for DRC to work well.
I finally got a 2X4 MiniDSP with Dirac. My old B&W completely came to life, and I find myself looking for new albums and listening critically for the first time in years.
Due to this massive improvement I thought it might finally be time to upgrade the speakers. If my old ones could sound this good with DRC then perahps a much better set would improve soundstage and imaging even further. I found a nice pair of Focal Aria 926 that I'm currently auditioning. Without Dirac the difference was amazing. The Focal outperformed the B&Ws massively. My immediate reaction was that the Focals sounded as good without DRC as the old B&Ws sounded with it enabled.
But, here's the conunudrum: After properly calibrating both speakers they sund virtually the same. I am currently A/B-ing them and switching between their respective Dirac calibrations. I really struggle to hear the difference. If anything there are slight differneces in coloration. The soundstage is virtually identical. Not very deep, but that is my room. The B&Ws are possibly slightly less revealing, but the difference is so slight I at one stage had to verify wich pair I was listening to as I forgot which one I had plugged in.
My dream is to get a better and deeper soundstage, but I can't justify spending the money on the Focal. I will have to return them. The improvement before DRC is vast, but after calibratin it's too slight. Is DRC so powerfull it becomes almost pointless to play around with speakers in my price range? Below 30k, or can I expect to find improvement if I keep testing and calibrating speakers? As you all know it is time consuming to collect, calibrate and test speakers at home and return them, so if I can expect minimal improvement after calibration I may as well just keep what I've got and spend the money elsewhere, for example on an amplifier. What are your thoughts?
BTW. I'm sorry if this has been covered. I did a few searches and found nothing similar.